Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2010 — Befriend the Royal Hawaiian Band [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Befriend the Royal Hawaiian Band

We want to invite and encourage our loeal community, in particular our Hawaiian community and visitors alike, to join the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band and to be a part of preserving the musical history of the Royal Hawaiian Band. Further, the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band is dedicated to maintaining the band's unique tradition as Hawai'i's official musical representative and ensuring that the band's rich Hawaiian sound will continue to be enjoyed throughout

Hawai'i and the world by generations to eome. For example, the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band recently premiered a commissioned work for the Royal Hawaiian Band called "Nani Waimea" and a "Hawaiian Hit Medley" arranged by composer Matt Catingub. The debut performance took plaee at a Royal Hawaiian Band Concert at Kapi'olani Park on Jan. 31. Current officers of the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band are: myself, Ms. Toni Lee, president; Ms. Jean Serikawa, vice president; Dr. Niklaus Schweizer, chair; Mr. John Hassler, secretary; and Dr. Richard Trimillos, treasurer. As members of the "Friends," you are entitled to a 10 percent discount on band recordings and memorahilia purchases from the friends, as well as other benefits. To join the Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band, visit ioyalbawaiianband. eom A monthly band schedule and audio excerpts are posted on the site. Antoinette "īoni" Lee President, The Friends ofthe Royal Hawaiian Band