Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2009 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
[ Father Damien . . . A Bit of Taro , A Pieee of Fish, andA Glass ofWiter"
Patlicr Oamien . . , 'A Bti <*t A P'tw nj Fift\ AUii A (iLui af I f iUfT ' Softcover, 131 pages, 74photographs, $23.00 (includes shipping witliin the U.S.)
BookExcerpts: "Father Damien used to eome to our house in Pelekunu (Valley). When we asked him if he wanted something special to eat, he answered: Do not disturb yourself, I will eat what you have.' FIe was satisfied with a bit of taro, a pieee of fish, and a glass ofwater." — Joseph Manu, who knew Father Damien from 1873-1889
Christ?nas, 1888 I sendyou this shortnote toyou because we sent some Christmas presents to our child Peter Camacho . . . A tin of crackers and some toys for him to play with . . . Dear Father Damien, I am very grateful to you for the care of my child in the strange land without any hope for our seeing him again in this world tell Peter that we all send our love . . ." - Frandsco Camacho to Father Damien, December 16, 1888 OkiA newsletter readers: Indicate "OkiA-'Ohana" on your eheek or online payment and $10 per book will be donated to Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa. To order: Send eheek for $25 per book, payable to IDEA, to: IDEA Center, PO Box 652, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 Order online at: www.fatherdamienmolokai.org