Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2009 — HOAP class [ARTICLE]
HOAP class
My husband, Alfred, and I just completed a HOAP class with Helen Wai. I understand this program is possible through your partnership with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. īhank you so mueh for having such a program for us - it's certainly a wake-up eall. It gives people the opportunity to dream again - to set a goal like owning their own home, whieh yesterday was probably not realistic. But because these classes give you the tools needed to make this dream a reality, and a person like Helen who will be there with you every step of the way if needed, you can't lose. You may not be able to take that step tomorrow but with Helen's help, working out a personal road plan, maybe a year, maybe two, that dream ean be realized. What a smart move for DHHL and OHA to make - to help our people by educating them. It shows that the people in both organizations care. And that is so important. I am no longer just an applicant who signed up on Aug. 25, 2001 - 1 am Pearline K. Madrona, and I have
an opportunity to be a homeowner. īhank you, thank you, thank you. I was one of the lucky ones that were able to select a lot on Sept. 12. So now, using the tools that Helene's class provided, deciding the difference between what I need and what I want and working with my lender, next summer, God willing, I ean and will have my own home - at a late age of 61. That's pretty awesome and exciting to look forward to.
ka leo kaiāulu t" ,di,,r
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