Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2009 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


9' ■RT' -*■ ■- ^9 v. Anapuni Coleman, D.C., rf . | $pecializes in uxllne$$ caret rehabilitation, ■•?' " „■, workers compensation and penonal iniury cases. <t Fccl sood and tivc vibrantty ■ Call: Nj uanu Chiroproctk Clinic £66-4773 ■■h ■ Pālā ,S j momona ka wana. 1/W?en the pandanus fruit ripens, the sea urchin is fat. . ^ — X^^E^Tla f>'s familiar or pr°verb was the I guiding principle by whieh our kupuna knew when I wana was ready to be gathered. Traditionally, i I Hawaiians farmed and fished according to the I phases of the moon, thus one could view the , nR ripened hala fruit as a sign that the wana tongues L I were fat and ready for harvest. Consumed for its -■ delicious meat and juices used in a relish, the i ii . ■ wana's venomous spines and shells were considered rubbish and discarded...until now. presents unique WANA jewelry fashioned Order at* ^rom ^18 PurP''s'1''3'ac'< sP'nes °f the hāwa'e. C.urchin.creations@gmail.com P 808 668 891 1 Approximate 60" strand worn multiple styles: graduated, rope, lariat and choker. F.808. 668. 8330 Earrings, bracelets, and more. Ld ePfwverg yOUR FULL S E R V l C E FLORIST Let us create a unique tropica[ /t arrangement/ [ei or haku for your specia[ event. We ship > t / illl nat'onw'de/ 'C eaW ^ ^ f ^|^jl to send Aloha. Contact Bucky Les[ie at / F[owers |or Mama i , M'"*""'' ^ t> "~a7 ds ^ F[owersForMama@ao[.com (808) 324-0109 • to[[ free (800) 462-6259 _ 1 )csi°n / lhiild Commercial / Residential 11 Feasibility Studies BTW^!j Construction Documents pS i ^roKjs www.HawaiiDesignGroup.com (808) 3^26-7670^

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