Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2009 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Type or clearly write your ael of 175 or fewer characters (including spaces and punetuation) and mail payment to: Office of Hawaiian Affairs at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. Submissions received bythe 15th ofthe month will appear in next month's edition. CIOSSifi©dS Oflly $1 2.50

slate fireplace, awesome v iew. Meet DHHL criteria to qualify. Pua (808) 896-6888. KANAKA MAOLI FLAGS shirts, decals, stickers. 3'x5' nylon flags $30, hand flags $6, t-shirts black, purple, lime; S-M-L $17, XL-XXXL $21. 808-332-5220. kanakamaolipower.info. KAPŪLEI EAST II undivided interest lease available for $35,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West Oahu Realty, ine. (808) 228-9236. KUKULU BUSINESS SERVICES for Native Organizations... Culturally competent business solutions for your organization. Visit our web site @ KukuluHawaii.com. LŪTS: KAWAIHAE $30,000,Keaukaha $45,000: Panaewa $175,000; Panaewa $75,000; Makuu $30,000; Kalamaula $20,000; Keaukaha/ Hile $50,000. Charmaine I.Oui lit Poki (R) (808) 295-4474. MAUI - WAIOHULI - Unit 1 - ready to build, one acre; Undivided interest DHHL leases. Graham Realty ine. (808) 221-6570, email habuchal@ aol.com.

WAIANAE 5/6/pool $385,000; Nanakuli 3/2 $325,000; Corner lot, Trade or purchase: Kamuela 4/2.5 $300,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) . 295-4474. Century 21 RealtySpecialist. WAIANAE 3BR 2BA 2 car garage, patio, large walled yard, mature plants, trees. $275,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R), West Oahu Reality, ine. (808) 228-9236. realestate@wjkbailey.com. WAIMANALO - undivided interest leases; lot selection upcoming soon. DHHL Leases. Graham Realty, ine. (808) 221-6570 email habuchal@ aol.com. WAIOHULI UNDIVIDED interest for sale, $27k. Deeded undivided interest allows you to piek the lot and home of your ehoiee, or the option of , owner-builder. Ca II (808) 280-3216. i WHY RENT when you ean own! It's an Excellent time to buy a home. Let's get you started. Fee Simple or Hawaiian Home Lands. Ca II Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (Realtor) 295-4474. i