Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 11, 1 November 2009 — nūhou news Kuleana land tax exemption now statewide [ARTICLE]
nūhou news Kuleana land tax exemption now statewide
ByT. Ilihia Gionson Publications Editor Calling all kuleana land holders: all of Hawai'i's major eounties now have in plaee a property tax exemption for kuleana lands. Maui County's passage of such an ordinance in September makes the exemption available statewide. As part of the 1850 Māhele that privatized land ownership in Hawai'i, native tenants who were living on and cultivating lands could submit a elaim to the Land Commission, whieh operated until 1855. If the elaim was accepted, the land was awarded to the claimant and the parcel was given a royal patent along with a Land Commission Award number - a number whieh remains in use today. More than 8,000 awards were made, equaling nearly 29,000 acres of land across Hawai'i. These lands are known as
The tax exemption allows owners of kuleana land who meet certain criteria to pay a lower tax rate that varies by county. To set the process in mohon, the application must contact the property tax office of the appropriate county (see sidebar). The parcel in question must be confirmed as being kuleana land, identified by a Land Commission Award number on maps, as opposed to a grant number. If appropriate, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will assist in
genealogical verification, making sure that the current landowner is a descendant of the kuleana awardee. The City and County of Honolulu was the first to pass a kuleana land tax exemption in 2007. So far this fiscal year, whieh ends June 30, 2010, 22 landowners have taken advantage of the exemption on O'ahu, and seven on Hawai'i. To find out if your kuleana land is eligible for the exemption, contact your loeal property tax office. Also, OHA is conducting a survey of kuleana landholders. To participate, eall 594-0247 or email kuleanasurvey@oha.org. ■
Property tax offices Hawai'i County Hilo Aupuni Center, 101 Pauahi St., Suite 4 808-961-8201 Kona 75-5706 Kuakini Highway, Suite 112 808-327-3540 Maui County Kahului, Maui Maui Mall, 70 E. Ka'ahumanu Ave. 808-270-7297 Kaunakakai, Moloka'i 100 Ainoa St. 808-553-3221 City and County of Honolulu Honolulu 33 S. King St„ #101 768-3799 Kapolei 1000 Ulu'ōhi'a St„ #206 768-3169 Kaua'i County Lihu'e 4444 Rice St„ Suite 463 808-241-6555
W www.oha.org/kwonowemapa2009