Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 11, 1 November 2009 — BRINGING OHA NEWS T0 THE CONTINENT [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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n August 2009, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs took its "OHA Report to the Community" to the continent. Clyde Nāmu'o, OHA Administrator, Mona Bernardino, OHA Deput> Administrator, and Aulani Apoliona, OHA Hawaiian Governance Lead Advocate, had the ehanee tc talk story with Hawaiians living ir the Southern California eommunities of Santa Ana, Carson and Spring Valley. In addition to sharing information about OHA's strategic plan, legislative agenda and OHA programs available to Hawaiians living away from Hawai'i, there were enthusiastic question-and-answer sessions at eaeh meeting. Clearly, the attendees were anxious to know the status of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009, also known as the Akaka B ill, and what they could do to support passage of the bill.

: Participants at eaeh meeting ; pledged to better keep up with these critical Hawaiian issues by : subscribing to OHA's Ka Wai 01 a newspaper and the Ka Wai 01 a Loa ' e-newspaper, tuning into OHA's weekday Nā 'Ōiwi 'Ōlino radio : show (streaming on am940hawaii. i eom) and even hosting OHA's i Community Consultation Network's (CCN) video conference l

meetings from Hawai'i into their own homes. We encourage all Hawaiians across the continent to take advantage of OHA's CCN video conference meetings. The objective of these meetings is to engage Native Hawaiians in discussing Hawaiian issues and concems, including the future steps of our Hawaiian nahonbuilding. Video conference meetings

utilize technology to bridge the distance separating our 'ohana across the nahon by allowing the unique opportunity for individuals to raise their perspectives and contribute their personal input. CCN video conference meetings are in planning stages with Hawaiian organizations across the country, including the Pi'ilani Hawaiian Civic Club of Colorado and several of the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association regional organizations. Participants of past meetings have remarked on how informative and inspiring the sessions were and how relaxed they felt as they shared their mana'o sitting around their own kitchen table, or lounging in their living room or even gathered together in their halau. If you would like to inquire about or schedule a CCN video conference meeting, please callz Aulani Apoliona at 594-1912 or email her at aulania@oha.org. ■


ho'oulu lāhui aloha* ™!1 1 bdl™"1 ndlnn

OHA Report to the Community meeting in Santa Ana on Aug. 26. The majority of guests we_re members of the 'Āinahau o Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club. - Courtesy photo

One of 0HA's earliest CCN video conference sessions was held with the Cox family in Edinburgh, lndiana. Shown here are brothers Carey, Jerry and Marlin and sister Linda. - Courtesy photo