Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 10, 1 October 2009 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHARMAINEQUILITPOKI.COM Charmaine I. Quilit Poki Specializing in Hawaiian Home Lands Properties. (Fee Si mple also.) (808) 295-4474 Century 21 RealtySpecialists. DIABETIC. OVERWEIGHT? I lost 35lbs, 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetes, cholest, BP meds. Fast, safe, phys. recomm. Johnny Kai www.ohanawellness.tsfl. eom (971) 533-6881 ohanawellness@msn.com. EAST KAPOLEI 2 undivided interest leases available. DHHL Lea ses. Graham Realty ine. (808) 221-6570, email hab uchal@aol.com. EXPERIENCED IN DHHL properties and general real estate needs - all islands. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty, ine. (808) 545-5099 (808) 2216570, email habuchal@aol.com. F0R SALE! PANAEWA Farm Lot 4.7+ acres. Land surveyed with permanent pins in plaee. Previously cleared - flat and leveled. DHHL qualified. $125,000 0B0. Call (808) 981-8283. HARP THERAPY: Ki hō'alu me ka hapa, with all typesof music, liveon a gold concert harpforyour next event. Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. H0USEF0RSALE byownen 2 Bd/2 full bath, living rm. Gas or electric. Washer-dryer, outside patio slab. Studioorworkarea! Kaniohale, Kailua-Kona. $232,000.(808) 355-8588. KAMUELA, WAIMEA: 1) 10 ae. lot, full fence, no utils. 2) 4br/2ba home on 5 ae. Pitch ceiling, slate fireplace, awesomeview. Meet DHHLcriteria to qualify. Pua (808) 896-6888. KANAKA MAOLI FLAGS, shirts, decals, stickers. 3'x5' nylon flags $30, hand flags $6, t-shirts black, purple, lime; S-M-L $17, XL-XXXL $21. 808-332-5220. kanaka maolipower. info. KANEH ILI/KAPOLEI $30,000. Kawaihae 26,000 sf lot $30,000. Trade, purch: Kamuela 4/2.5 $300,000. Keaukaha 21,000 sf lot $45,000. Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) (808) 295-4474. KAPOLEI EAST II undivided interest lease available for $35,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey West Oahu Realty, ine. (808) 228-9236.