Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2009 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MAKU'U HOME LANDS: Big lsland. Beautiful 3 bed/2.5 bath 1946sf home on 5 acres! Leasehold. Reduced to $298K. Marie lsom R(A) 808-982-5557. ERA Pacific Properties. ALL HAWAIIAN5: DHHL homestead for sale, Kapolei, Waimanalo, Waianae, or l'H help yon sell. Ankai Victorino (RA), ASAP Properties, (808) 368-1272, ankai@westbeachrealty.com. ANAHOLA, KAUAI 4bed/2bath home in excellent cond. Walk to park, beach. $269,000 LH. Teri Kalnahine, Realtor, Sleeping Giant Sotheby's (808) 639-8909. teri@sleepinggiant.com. BIG ISLAND KAWAIHAE 3/1.5+ familyrm, 1584sf lot, oeean view. DHHL lease. $255,000LH. Moana Carreira Properties LLC (808) 239-7279, emaih carreiraprop ertiesl@msn.com.
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