Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 10, 1 October 2009 — hoʻohui ʻohana family reunions [ARTICLE]

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hoʻohui ʻohana family reunions

E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

NOWEMAPA • NOV. 2009 ZABLAN - Hui 0 Zablan annual Reunion, Sat. Nov 7, 2009, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Tree Tops Restaurant (Paradise Park in Mānoa). Adults $16.80, Children 4 to 12 $8. Reservations in to Auntie Leatrice Zablan, 734-4779, by 24 Oct 2009. Live entertainment; music provided by the 01sen Family and Hālau provided by the Buhl Family. We look forward to getting reacquainted with our cousins and honoring our Aunties and Uncles. KĒKĒMAPA • DEC. 2009 JEREMIAH - The families of the children of Jam.es Kuhaulua (Koholua/Kaholua) Jeremiah and Julia Pelewahine Lono Naone Jeremiah both of Kalāwahine, O'ahu, are planning another family reunion on Dec. 5, 2009, at Mā'ili Beach Park. The children of James and Julia are īlima Koholua Naone(m. īda Feary-Milton), Wallace(m. Josephine Frank), John "Kenala" (m. Dorothy Lindo), William "Jerry" (m. Louise Kahanu), ,Albert "Mana" (m. Madeline Cayetano, m. Lomaine Buelher), Lono Koholua (m. July Kaonohilani), Dalton "Buster" (m. Hariet Dudoit, m. Ethel Halloek, m. Carmen Widdowson, m. Elaine Mahoe), Marigold "Esther" (m. Arthur Wilcox, m. Robert Clark, m. Henry Rodrigues), Isaiah (m. Alma Bartels, m. Marian Mark, m. Marguerite Tilton). Meetings are being held onee a month. ,Any questions may be directed to Mae Jeremiah-Wong (daughter of Howard "Bubu" Jeremiah) at (808) 673-5754 or kulanz@ yahoo.com. I KĒIA MAKAHIKI A'E • 2010 ELDERTS/MAHOE - The Johannes Emil Elderts and Keai Mahoe 'ohana is planning a family reunion in October 2010. We need to update mailing and e-mail addresses, phone numbers and family information, so please contact Lauren "Paulette Elderts" Russell at eldertsohana@hotmail.com or eall her at (808) 239-2913 or (808) 285-4124. KAHOLOKULA-The'ohanaofKuhalimaiohuli and Kealiiamoiliili Kaholokula of Maui are planning a family reunion July 16 and 17, 2010, at Hale Nanea Hall in Kahului, Maui. They had 11 children; 1) Kuhaupio 2) Kuhaupio & Kaniala, Apitaila (w) 3) Keauli & Wahauku (h) 4) Ulunui & Lee, ,Akaloka (h) 5) Puakailima &,Akuna, GooTong (h) 6) Kaleikapu & Napeha, Emily (w) 7) Kalaina & Maekee, Emma (w) 8) Maia 9) Keoni 10) Alapai & Sniffen, Deborah (w) 1 1) Kaiminaauao & Hema, Maryann (w). We are looking for all who are related to attend. Contact Haulani Kamaka, (808) 2689249; Gordon Apo, (808) 269-0440; or Clifford Kaholokula Jr., (808) 250-1733, for information. Also visit the reunion web site at kaholokula. comicscornermaui.com for updates and informa-

tion. We ean also be reached by e-mail at kaho lokulareunion20 1 0 @ yahoo.com. KAONOHI/AWAAWA - The descendants of JAMES KAOHIAI IL4.0NOHI and MINNIE AWAAWA and their children Alexander K,40N0HI and Julia FEATHREN, Ida IL40N0HI and Herbert LESLIE, Jam.es K,40N0HI and Nancy VICTOR, Minnie KAONOHI and Emest NAHOOLEWA, Solomon IL40N0HI and Lillian KOGA, and Gideon IL4.0NOHI and Rita LUM HO are planning are a reunion July 2-10, 2010. If you would like to be included and for information please contact; Paulette Keopuhiwa at (808) 2597252 or alakoa8O8@yahoo.com; Godfrey Kaonohi at (808) 239-8684 or CandG@hawaii.rr.com; or Kimo Kaonohi at (808) 259-7153 or kkaonohi3@ yahoo.com. KAUAUA - The descendants of Kelii O Nahuawai Kauaua and Kaua'i O Kalani Kanae and the descendants of their children Papai, Kamaka, Puupuu, Apuakahei and Moelua will be holding a reunion on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 4 and 5, 2010, on O'ahu. More information to follow in the coming months. Please save the dates! "E Hāpai O Kō Kākou 'Ohana Aloha" (Hold high our beloved 'Ohana). Kl N N EY - Looking for descendants of William Kinney II born 15 April 1832, arrived in Hawai'i before 1868. Planning a family reunion in July 2010. Known children are; William Ansel, Minnie, Kihapi'ilani William, Henry William, Clarence William, Joseph, Robbins, George, Orpha, David, 01iver and Ray. Please contact Orpha Kinney Kaina at (808) 344-9033 or kainareal@yahoo.com, Erin Kinney Lindsey at (808) 885-9023, Kristen Lindsey Ganancial at (808) 345-6358, or Auhea Straus Puhi at (808) 885-4184. LIN DS EY/MAH I KU LAN I - Plans are in progress for a family reunion the weekend of 17-19 September 2010 in Waimea, Hawai'i Island, for the descendants of progenitors James F. Lindsey Sr. and Mahikulani P. Hookuanui. Names of their six children/spouses to be represented at the reunion are; Emma K. Lindsey/Harry K. Purdy Sr.; Mary F. Lindsey/Thomas D. Kaanaana/Solomon K. Lo/ Antone A.G. Correa; Maymie M.C. Lindsey/Pio H. Kamalo/Kaimi J. Kalaualii/Henry K. Levi; Helen F.K. Lindsey/William K. Notley/James K. Parker; James F. Lindsey Jr./Silvana Rodrigues de Quintal; Euniee F.K. Lindsey/Edward H. Hea. Your kōkua in planning, spearheading the activities, donations and/or other support is very mueh appreciated. Please submit current postal address, phone and e-mail address to receive reunion information and forms by contacting Rae at raelindsey@aol.com, Sweetheart at kimopelinzreunion@gmail.com, or Kiki Kihoi at P.O. Box 343, Kamuela, HI 96743.

PAKAKI - My father was Ernest Enoka Pakaki, married to Violet Kekahuna Kepaa, my mother. I am searching for any 'ohana related to my father's side. His mother's name was Louisa Kamanu from Wailuku, Maui, and father's name was Ernest Pekelo Pakaki. Looking over some 'ohana names, I have eome across Hooolapaikona (k) married Kaahanui (w) with one child Kauahikaua (k) married Pahaniu (w) with one child Nahau (w) who married Aiona (k), Kalanileleku (k) married Kalanipoo (w), Kaiona (w) married Pakaki, Meleana (w) married Pilikekai (k). If anyone is 'ohana, eall AngelineAina, (808) 760-2187 (Maui) or aaina@hawaii.rr.com. Our family is planning our first reunion for July or August 2010 and would be so happy to hear from any family member. You may also eall my brother on O'ahu, Moses Pakaki at (808) 696-4492. I IA MAKAHIKI AKU • 2011 HOLOKAI - The Holokai 'ohana is planning a reunion in 2011. The parents were Harry Holokai and Hattie Moikeha. All of their children have expired, but their children's children live on. We have 'ohana living in Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Kentucky and Oregon. (Excuse me if we missed your state.) The intention is to get the word out early so family members ean decide, plan and save if they would like to eome and meet with the many, many cousins here in Hawai'i. Tentative plans are to gather in Honolulu in March. The best date will be selected based upon people's availability. The committee will consider all information submitted, so please contact us at your earliest convenience. Contact mayholokai@gmail.com, Holokai Family Reunion 2011 on Facebook or (808) 375-0925. IMI 'OHANA • FAMILY SEARCH AKANA - My great-grandfather was Walter ,4kana who lived in Kapahulu. He was born in 1862 in Hawai'i. His father was bom in China and his mother in Hawai'i. His children were Hattie born in 1883, Marshall bom in 1885, Maggie bom in 1887, Josephine bom in 1889, and Kaluhope bom in 1891. Would appreciate any family information. I ean be reached at malterrel002@hawaii. rr.com or (808) 673-8889. HALUALANI - We are searching for anyone who belongs to Solomon or Clement Liwai, Halualani Sons of Ko'ele'ele and Laura Halualani. We are, for the first time, trying to unite our 'ohana. Nahoa'olelo 0 Kamehameha married Ohulelani. Their offspring are; 1) Leihauole, 2) Po'ohiwi, 3) Kaonohi, 4) Kawainui, 5) Kapika, 6) Kauhi, 7) Emera, 8) Kamala, and 9) Luka. Po'ohiwa, our great-grandmother, married Halualani. Their ehildren are; 1) Ha'alilo; 2) Kapika; 3) Ko'ele'ele, our great-grandfather; 4) Ohule; 5) Kawainui; and 6)

Ainini. You may contact Carol Halualani Bright at (808) 235-6788 or by mail at 46-317 Halualani Plaee, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744, or Sandi Halualani at (808) 744-5566. KAHIHIKOLO - I am seeking third-, fourthand fifth-generation information about the descendants of Annie Kealoha Kahihikolo (Parents; Joseph Kahihikolo and Kealoha Lapaku Kaui) I am mainly interested in any links to a Chinese descendant. Thank you in advance for any information you are able to provide. I ean be reached at (808) 398-4534 (Joanna) or email chavesj003@ hawaii.rr.com. KALAM A - I have been searching for my grandmother's father, Thomas Kalis Kalama, since I was a teenager. Hewas born 4-9-1891 in Kanaki village at Leilehua on the island of Oahu, where Schofield Barracks is now. He was brought by missionaries to Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the early 1910s to study to become a doctor. We believe he traveled on a ship of the Matson line. His mother's name was Marguerite, a very regal, beautiful woman and he had at least two sisters. I would love to connect with anyone familiar with this story, especially any descendants of Thomas' two sisters, my closest twig on the branch. Mahalo for any assistance. Leslie, JASMom@aol.com. KAUKAOPUA aka KAOPUA We are searching for the descendants and connections to Tutu Naluahine Kaukaopua aka Kaopua and his 'ohana. The 'āina hānau would be in the Kahalu'u and Keauhou areas of Kona 'ākau. The gathering of the descendants for genealogy workshop was held at Kahalu'u. The process of collecting data of the mo'okū'auhau of these 'ohana areongoing. Kāhea mai 'oe. Aunty Flo on O'ahu, (808) 354-5035; or Aunty Kalani on Hawai'i, (808) 329-7274. KEKAHUNA My great-grandfather is Francis Koakanu Kekahuna, born on O'ahu to Henry Enoka Palenapa Kekahuna and Ida Peters Pedro Ferreira. There were four other children that eame from this unity; Henry Kekahuna, Ida Kekahuna (married Lee), Ella Kekahuna (married ,4kana), and Beatrice Kekahuna (married Matsumoto). I greatly appreciate any insight on my 'ohana that Fve never known. I ean easily be reached at anwat@aol.com or (808) 891-1596. PAHOA/KEAWE - We areseeking information on John Pahoa (Kohala) and Luukia Kaholoholo (North Kohala); James Keawe (North Kohala) and Sarah Haili (North Kohala) and their families. Other family names; Bray, Bright, Hewahewa, Kaawa, Kamalolo, Kanehailua, Kaniho, Kuamoo, Kuawalu and Nakaleka. ,4ny information received will be greatly appreciated. Contact us at rex pahoa@msn.com.

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