Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2009 — A PARTNERSHIP MADE IN HULA HEAVEN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Hula Association of the Midwest (HAM) hosted its third annual Hawaiian Hula Days in Chicago on Aug. 7, 8 and 9 at the Hihon Hotel in Lisle/ Naperville. More than 50 participants attended the hula workshop provided by invited kumu Uluwehi
Guerrero and his alaka'i, Noelani and Leilani, from Maui. Many of the students have been living on the mainland for quite some time and were so inspired by kumu Guerrero's gracious and humble teaching. Aulani Apoliona, OHA's Lead advocate for Kau Inoa Community Outreach, was there to answer questions regarding the Kau Inoa registration and other Hawaiian issues and she registered more than 40 Hawaiians there, including kumu Uluwehi Guerrero. The event became a showcase of sorts for proud supporters of Kau
Inoa: HAM member Len Jury from Ohio showed off his customized Kau Inoa license plate, and members of extraordinarily talented musical Cox 'ohana from Indiana posed in their new Kau Inoa T-Shirts after registering themselves and their families. Another HAM member,
Kainey Tee, says she proudly wears her Kau Inoa T-Shirt in Kansas City, where she now lives. The Hula Association of the Midwest would like to thank Ms. Apoliona for being our kupuna leader at the recentevent. Her representation and the generous contribution of Kau Inoa will be forever in the HAM's gratitude. Everyone hopes to see Kau Inoa at the next year's hula workshop in Chicago. Mahalo Nui Loa! — Kathy Griep and Kainey Teel ofthe Hula Association ofthe Midwest ■
Len Jury, a Kau Inoa registrar who lives in Ohio, shows his spirit on his license plate. With him is 0HA's Aulani Apoliona. - Photo: Courtesy ofKaren Jury