Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2009 — Songs for friends and family [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Songs for friends and family

By Francine Murray Bruadcast/Media Cuurdinatūr In Hawai'i, 'ohana comes first. With the support of friends and family you ean do anything. With a little help from her friends, Amy Hanaiali'i celebrated with a listening party on Aug. 17 to dēbut her new album packed with 16 songs featuring world-famous artists. Hanaiali'i says, "Singing duets with some of my heroes, and with Hawai'i's rising stars was a dream eome true." The award-winning female vocalist has 14 Nā Hōkū Hanohano awards in various categories, including Album of the Year, Contemporary Album, and Hawaiian Album of the Year. Nominated three times by the

Recording Academy for a Grammy Award, Hanaiah'i has made the oneeuneonunon ha'i style of Hawaiian falsetto a top-seller among Hawai'i's female recording industry. Hanaiali'i and Palani Vaughan begin with a magical rendition of Robert Cazimero's "E Ku'u Lei" aloha lei makamae, precious lei of love. Rebel Souljahz is in the house, and they're rockin' it with Hanaiali'i in "Everybody Plays the Fool." This one's over the top - iī'll blow the loeal charts with lawaiian fans. "What is Life?" with lohn Cruz, sounds good, real good. The duet's remake of the song by George Harrison is fresh, elean and in perfect harmony. Have you heard Eric Gilliom croon? Brother ean sing. The sib-

lings do a feel-good rockin' gospel version of "Shower the People" by Iames Taylor. In Ianuary, Taylor performed this song before millions watching live and on TV at the president's inaugural celebration. Speaking of millions of fans, the ieonie country singer Willie Nelson joins Hanaiali'i in a breathtaking world-class duet of "Have I Told You Lately?" the Grammy Award-win-ning song by Van Morrison. Words cannot express how special this eolleehon is. The other numbers and featured artists include "Comin' Home" with Henry Kapono and music arranged by Matt Catingub, and "Maka 'Ālohilohi" is good fun with the Martin Pahinui Trio. The Hawaiian duet starts, "0 'oe ka wahine a ke aloha" - "You are the woman that I love," with Sean Na'auao and Hanaiali'i reviving

the classic "Pua Hone" written by Dennis Kamakahi. Other twosomes are "Pā Aheahe" with Keali'i Reichel, "Kou Leo Nahenahe" with Nathan K. Aweau, "Ua, Ua Ho'e'ele" a fun rain song composed by and performed with Rev. Dennis Kamakahi, and "Na'u No 'Oe e Ha'a Mai/ 1 Will Dance For You" with Kaumakaiwa. The incredible Robert Cazimero joins her in "I Believe In You," there's also "Ka Malu Akua" with David Kawika Kahiapo, "Ho'onanea" with Darren Benitez, and my new favorite song, the very sexy "Send One Your Love" with Fiji. This CD is another one of Hanaiali'i's gifts to the world, and it will be treasured for years to eome. ■ Available in stores Aug. 25. For information, visit mountainapple eompam. com/amy.

(fflL www.oha.or8/kwo MELE 'AILANA ■ ISLAND MUSIC SCENE


Friends & Family ofHawai'i Amy Hanaiali'i Ua Records LLC