Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2009 — Kepakecmape [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Left: Wai'anae youth perform ūt ū post Ho'ike 'lke 0 Wūi'anae. - Photo: Courtesy of Hō'ike 'lke 0 Woi'onoe

PŌ'AONO, LĀ 26 O KEPAKEMAPA HŌ'IKE 'IKEOWAI'ANAE Mākaha Resort & GoIfCIuh, Mākaha, O'ahu. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Sponsored in part by OHA, this event

offers music, hula and other eulhual surprises. Catch Puakea Nogehneier and his haiunāna tfom UH Mānoa and Ka'imi Dung and Kuahiwi Moniz with tales, history and legends on stage. Craft fair &om 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Interested crafters, eall Winona,

696-1217.) Twila Sharp-Mendez entertains at 2 p.m. The evening show feahues Kimo Keaulana and Hālau Hula O Kekaiku'ihala kimiu Nettie Armitage-Lapi]io at 6. Dinner reservations are reconunended. Manuahi. 695-9544 or hoikeike.net.

PŌ'AONO, LĀ 12 O KEPAKEMAPA KEALI'I REICHEL ON LĀNA'I Four Seasons Resort Lāna'i. at Mānele Bav, Lāna'i. 7 p.m. Keali'i Reichel and his hālau bring their talents to Lāna'i to benefit the Lāna'i Culture & Heritage Center's kūpuna oral history project. $40, $80 and $120. A package including one night at the resort and two tickets for the show starts at $299. A three-course "Taste of Hulopo'e" menu will be available before the concert for $29. Tickets, 808-565-2426, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. Room and concert packages, 800-321-4666 or 808-565-3800. lanaichc.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 19 O KEPAKEMAPA WAIKĪKĪ HO'OLAULE'A Kalākaua Avenue between Lewers Street and Kapahulu Avenue, Wai.kīkī. 7 p.m. As part of the Aloha Festivals eultural showcase, this block party kicks off with the arrival of the royal court and offers three stages of entertainment with hālau hula, food, lei vendors and crafters spread along 12 Waikīkī city blocks. alohafestivals.com. LĀPULE, LĀ 20 O KEPAKEMAPA ROYAL GARDEN PARTY 'Iolani Palaee, Honolulu, 5-10 p.m. The Friends of 'Iolani Palaee offers a nostalgic rehmi to the days of genteel lawn sports and parasols, with an annual fundraiser done in the tradition of the charity events hosted by Queen Kapi'olani in the

late 1800s. Featiues canopied supper service, lantem-ht dancing and period entertainment. Victorian-era costumes are encouraged. $300 per person. Call Maria, 522-0822 or iolanipalace.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 26 O KEPAKEMAPA KWXX HO'OLAULE'A Kamehameha Avenue from Mamo Street to Wai.ānuenue Avenue, Hilo, Hawai'i. Downtown Hilo comes to life as the KWXX Ho'olaule'a brings the finest in island music to three stages along Hilo's Bayfront. Enjoy food and craft booths too. Manuahi. KWXX.com. ALOHA FESTIVALS PARADE Ala Moana Park to Kapi'olani Park via Kalākaua Avenue, Wai.kīkī. 9 a.m. A colorful procession of pā'ū riders, floats with flowers galore, hālau hula and marching bands. This year's festival will pay homage to the art of hula. 3918714 or alohafestivals.com. PŌ'ALIMA-LĀPULE, NĀ LĀ 25-27 O KEPAKEMAPA KAUA'I POWWOW Kapa 'a Beach Park, Kapa 'a, Kaua 'i.. Fri. 4 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m., Sun. 10 a.m. Native American culture lives on at this event featuring arts and crafts booths, traditional foods, dancing, storytelling, keiki booths and more. The host drum for this event will be 808 NDNZ, an intertribal drum from O'ahu. To volunteer, 808-635-1199. For information, 808-828-1294, kauaipowwow@yahoo. eom, kauaipowwow.com.

LĀPULE, LĀ 27 O KEPAKEMAPA QUEEN LILI'UOKALANI FESTIVAL . Lili'uokalani Gardens, Hilo, Hawai'i. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Event honors Hawai'i's last monarch and feahires music, food, dance, a flower ' ' ' drop, multiethnic dancing and performances from dozens of hālau sharing their love of hula. In the past, top island entertainers have performed, as well. Shuttle to and from the Civic Auditorium parking area. 808-961-8706. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 12 O KEPAKEMAPA LUNALILO HO'OLAULEA Lunalilo Home, Hawai.'i. Kai, O'aliu. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. The kūpuna of Eunalilo Home invite the conmiunity to a day of Hawaiian entertainment, culture, and aloha at A this first annual ho'olaule'a fund- M raiser. Country store, crafts, keiki H games, shave iee, food booths, H and music by 'Ale'a, Cyril Pahinui, George Kahumoku, Ho'okena, Ken Makuakāne, H Kūpaoa, Hōkū Zuttermeister ^Ē and kūpuna of Eunalilo ^Ē Home. Eawn seating, no high-back chairs, no out- H side food or beverage. $25 ^Ē pre-sale, $10 keiki, $30 U at the door. Parking at Kaiser High with shuttle to event. 6903976. ■ ^ 1

I Right: lmmerse yourself ir 1 9th-century troditions I at the annual Royal Garden Party on | the grounds of J 'lolani Pūlaee,- B Photo: Courtesy ofJheFriendsof ' - 'lolani Palaee I