Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 September 2009 — What do we teach our children [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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What do we teach our children

By Kaleo Paik June 23. 2BB8 Tmy, innocent, open with a spirit Untouched by complexiti.es, LMe ones, actions reflective, Absent ofmali.ee orforethought. A sponge absorbing all around Si.ght, smell, touch, sound, taste. Eaeh experience, eves wide with wonder Keepi.ng at bay unbridled energv. What say wefill thi.s precious voi.d, Wi.th what values do we plaee In the empty receptacles oftheir souls To gi.ve li.ght to the ones to eome. The double messages madefreely Wi.thout regard to consequences Abound in the world around them How then do weframe their inner si.ght. Outwardly ni.ee but hurtful wilhi.n,

Speak oftruth but li.ve i.n li.es See a wrong but be si.lentfor the self Thi.nk ofselfbefore the whole. Plaee the physi.cal above the spi.ri.t, Competitive for glory but notfor humanity, Build a comfort zone as a bujferfor hurt Take convention overjusti.ee. Walk the nanow line ofright and wrong Wi.th 110 gray areasforforgiveness, Ri.di.cule others to hi.de the demons

wilhi.n, Chasti.se those below to ri.se above. Be bli.nd to the hurt in others To hei.ghten your own happi.ness, Inflate the ego withfalse pri.de Deflate the good i.n man. Our angels with innoeenee soon Become victi.ms ofour ownfaults Thev have absorbed all we share Wi.th exuberance, unquestioned love. Let us be cauti.ous i.n all we do. Let i.t befor good and humani.ty. I

Teaching keiki the ways of our kūpuna and lōhui isthe responsibility of 'ohana, writes Claire Hughes. Epitomizing that tradition is Kana'i Dodge, pictured with his granddaughter, Harley Aulani Dodge, atthe 2009 Taro Fest at the state Capitol. - Photo: Hloine Fergerstrom