Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 September 2009 — New NY hui advocates for Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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New NY hui advocates for Hawaiians

By Ku'ulani Miyashirn Anewly formed hui called Nā 'Ōiwi NYC has begun to take shape in the Big Apple - New York City. Comprised of Native Hawaiians born on the continent, transplants from the Islands, and non-native supporters, the group's mission is to advocate for Native Hawaiian issues by educating the iargely non-native community in the city on Hawaiian history, eulhue, people and ways of thinking. Foimded in 2008, the group has a growing following and is working to develop strong ties with other Paeihe and Hawai'i-centered organizations in the area, such as the previously established group Hālāwai, whieh brings together people with a love for the Islands. Nā 'Ōiwi NYC recently put on a celebration in unity with the "Day of Restoration - Lā Ho'iho'i Ea" events on O'ahu, featuring live music, hula and outreach at Union Square, a center in New York's East Village with a history of activism and displays of cultural art. In addition, the hui recently gathered in the

Bronx for a "talk story" with OHA's Aulani Apoliona by teleconference, discussing perspectives of Native Hawaiians living abroad. The group's calendar for the rest of the year include an open reading discussion circle on Dr. Noenoe Silva's book Aloha Betrayed and a multiple-day fihn screening of loeal Hawaiian and Paeihe fihns, to be held this fall. Nā 'Ōiwi NYC serves as a point of contact for Native Hawaiian educators, researchers and cultural practitioners coming to the East Coast who might be wilhng to give a lecture, share research or conduct a cultural workshop in New York City. hiterested parties may email the group for information at naoiwinyc@gmail.com. ■ Ku'ulam Miyashiro is a graduate student at New York University from Kāne'ohe, O'alm, and a graduate of Castle High School and the University of Hawai'i atMānoa. She has heen living in Brooklyn, New York, since August 2008 and works as a suhstitute teacher in the New York charter schools.