Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 August 2009 — Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Type or clearly write youi' ad of 175 or fewer characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail payment to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
on 5 ae. pitch ceiling, slate fireplace, awesome view. Meet DHHL criteria to qualify. Pua (808) 896-6888. KAPOLEI, KA'UPEA: 3 bd/2 ba 1 story home. xlnt. cond., upgrades, $375,000. Channaine Quilit Poki (R) www.ChannaineQuilitPoki.com (808) 295-4474. Centuiy 21 Realty Specialists. KOKUA 'OHANA: Native Hawaiian Foster Families Needed. Hanai I Ka La'akea. for more infonnation eall (808) 595-6320 ortoll free at (888) 879-8970. LOTS: Panaewa $175,000 (10 ae); Panaewa $75,000 (5 ae); Makuu$40,000; Kalamaula $20,000. Channaine Quilit Poki (R) www.CharmaineQuilitPoki. eom (808) 295-4474. Century 21. LUALUALEI, WAIANAE: 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, yard. DHHL lease. Graham Realty ine. (808) 221-6570 email hahuehal @aol.com. MAUI, WAIOHULI: Unit 1 ready to build, one acre; Undivided interest lease with selection in October. DHHL Leases. Graham Realty ine. (808) 221-
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