Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2009 — Tyranny and iwi desecra tion by whom? [ARTICLE]
Tyranny and iwi desecra tion by whom?
Mr. Silva continues to denigrate our soldiers' use of Mākua Valley (July Ka Wai Ola ). He refuses to understand they are being committed to engage in our country's war on terrorism. A war declared by those he elected into office. And while he mentions Adrian Silva in his last commentary, Alika Silva failed to say that his unele was a rancher for great-grandpa McCandless who had more than 1,500 heads of cattle in Mākua Valley in the 1930s. Accordingly, these cattle did mueh damage to cultural sites and desecration of land he talks about. Alika Silva has yet to admit that his family is responsible for mueh of the damage in the valley he talks about. Another thing Alika Silva eontinues to write is about the valley belonging to the god Kāne, but according to Scott Cunningham's
study, he writes, "Though Kāne did live for a time in Hawai'i, he now resides on his cloud-shrouded island home Kane-huna-moku with his friend Kanaloa." As an aside, I know of no kanaka maoli in the Veterans of Foreign Wars or in the Hawaiian Home Lands I live in who authorized him to speak for us Hawaiians, therefore, I believe it would behoove Mr. Silva to speak for himself and leave us out of his future essays. 8/7/ Punini Prescott Nānākuli, O'ahu
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