Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 August 2009 — Free program for parents of preschoolers [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Free program for parents of preschoolers
Keiki O Ka 'Āina's Kiilia I Ka Nu'u Program is holding open enrohment for parents and their children ages 2-and-a-half to 5. This aeeelerated learning program is based on Hawaiian culture and values with a comprehensive introduction to the
Hawaiian language. The free program is designed for parents to give their child a jump start on literacy, math, art, social studies, science and more. Because parents take the instruction home to their keiki, children are not required to attend class. Child care is avaUable at no cost. Classes meet one hour a week for 24 weeks. AU books, curricuhmi, and supplies are included. Registration deadline is Sept. 2. Classes start Sept. 14. Late registration wiU be accepted through Oct. 23, pending space availability. Community sites include: Honolulu, 'Ewa, Kalihi, Waimānalo, Kāne'ohe and Wai'anae/Nānākuli. For information, eall 843-2502 and ask for 'Ānela or Gina. Also ask about Keiki O Ka 'Āina's seven other programs and visit keikiokaaina.org.