Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 August 2009 — CNHA annual convention starts Aug. 25 [ARTICLE]
CNHA annual convention starts Aug. 25
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement will weleome national native leaders from across the country to discuss and sign a Declaration of Native Unitv and Solidarity at
its eighth annual Native Hawaiian Convention, Aug. 25-27 at the Hawai'i Convention Center.
That's one highlight of the eonvention, whieh bills itself as the largest gathering of community members, organizations, policymakers, legislative representatives and federal agencies interested in Native Hawaiian Conununity Development. The three-day event actually kicks off a day earlier, on Aug. 24 with a pre-convention offering a homestead leadership forum, homeownership luneheon and Native Hawaiian Fihn Festival. Registration fees are $375 for CNHA members or $500 for nonmembers. Daily rates are $140 or $180, respectively. OHA is providing $25,000 toward scholarships for staff and board members of CNHA member organizations. For information, eall CNHA at 596-8155, or toll-free at 800-709-2642, by e-mail at events@hawaiian council.org or visit hawaiianeouneil. org. Online registration and payment is available via the web site.