Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2009 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu




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Creating opportunities for a better tomorrow. Cultivating a better community. The OHA Mālama Loan Program through First Hawaiian Bank is exclusively for Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian organizations and may be used for educational purposes, home improvement and a variety of your business needs. Apply today and earn up to 5,000 CashPointsSM* when you also apply and are approved for Priority RewardsSM Debit and Credit Cards. For more information or to apply, eall 643-LOAN or visit any branch or fhb.com.


fhb.com WBsayiBS mm MemberFDIC Ap plicarits rriu;:t he ot Native Hawaiian anneetry (biith certitinate, OHA regietry card, or Kamehameha Ēiehūūle veriticatiūn letter will tm aooepted aa proot) or a Native Hawaiian orgariizatiom lt the applM ia a pup ot people organized tor eoonomiie develop rnerit puipoaea, applicarit Dwrieratiip rnuat tie 100% Native Hawaiian, Oonoweia rnay be reguired to complete a credit nounaelinp elaaa betore reoeivirig the Inan, Eiaeeh upon a lnari arrinurit ot 510,000 at 5.00% AF'R, the payrnerit wnulil be 3188.71 per mioritti ti,aeed on a tully ,arnūitized lnari tnr 5 yeara. Sub|eot to credit appnwal and eligitiility [leilain reētriotion,;i and eomlilinna ap ply *S,000 CaahPointa ia a total ot 2,500 poirita upon appnwal ot F'riority R ewa rd; Debit Card arid 2,500 poirita upon appiwal ot Priority Rewarda Credit Card, Allow 30-45 day; trorn the date ot puiehaae to receive your honua pointa. Olter ia open to peiaaona aeeeu rit; e n ly arid ia aubiect to credit appioial. CaatiPointa h,ave rio oaah value except aa deacritied in the Priority Rewarda Prograrn Agreernerit Firat Hawaiian Ei a n k reaerve; the right to eaneel the prograrn at a riy timie.