Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2009 — ʻAukake CALENDAR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
PŌ'AKOLU -'PŌ'ALIMA, NĀ LĀ 19-21 O'AUKAKE HONOLULU WALKING TOURS Begi.n at State Library, Honolulu 5, 5:30, and 6 p.m. These hourlong walking tours will visit Ali'iolani Hale, Washington Plaee, the Coronation Stand, 'Iolani Palaee, and the Lili'uokalani statue. Guides dressed in 1893-era costumes will speak of the time of the overthrow from a perspective of aloha 'āina. Manuahi, but reservations required. 'Iolani Palaee, 294-8638. PŌ'ALIMA, LĀ 21 O 'AUKAKE NEW HORIZONS FORTHE NEXT 50 YEARS Hawai'i Convention Center, Honolulu 8 a.m. This conference on statehood will address Hawai'i's history and future, and discuss the economy, education, energy, technology and Hawaiian eulture. $30, $15 students. Mea'ai through the day and evening event with the The Platters, The Coasters and The Drifters. 563-9626, hawaiistatehoodconference. eom.
HE MAKANA NO LILI'UOKALANI 'Iolani Palaee, Honolulu 6:30 p.m. A group of chanters will eommemorate the o verthrow of Queen Lih ' uokalani with a variety of mele, including lamentations recorded in Hawaiian newspapers at the time of the overthrow, family oli and new oli that discuss the state of affairs for Hawaiians today. Chanters include Momi Kamahele, Kamanaopono Crabbe, Hinaleimoana Falemei, Kealii Gora, Kanani Kahana-Reid, Keeaumoku Kaiama, Donnie Camvel, Kapa 01iveira, Keawe Kaholokula, Manu Kaiama, Kaumakaiwa Kanakaole, Tony Lenehanko, Leimaile Quitevis, Kamoa Quitevis, Vicky Holt Takamine, and Kawika Tengan. Manuahi. THE STATEHOOD PROJECT Kumu Kahua Theatre, Honolulu 8 p.m. Hear multiple, refreshingly different perspectives on Hawai'i statehood in this eolleehon of monologues, scenes and stories written by Hawai'i playwrights, poets and storytellers. The Statehood Project will play through Sept. 20. $5-$ 1 6 at the Kumu Kahua box office. 536-4441, kumukahua.org.
PŌ'AHĀ, NĀ LĀ 6, 13, 20, A 27 O 'AUKAKE MAKANA AT CURATORS OF HAWAIIAN MUSIC RoyaI Hawaiian HoteI, Wai.kīkī 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Enjoy the slack key stylings of Makana at two weekly shows, meant to revitalize the musical legacy of the Pink Palaee as part of the reculturalization of Waikīkī. Monarch Room. Show $49, keiki $39. Dinner and show $99, $69 keiki, add $10 for VIP seating. 921-4600 or TDRC.Waikiki@starwoodhotels.com. PŌ'AONO, LĀ8 0 'AUKAKE TWILIGHT AT HELUMOA RoyaI Hawaiian Center, Wai.kīkī 6:30-8:30 p.m. Get your grove on at Helumoa, onee a grove of 10,000 coconut trees belonging to ali'i. loin the Royal Hawaiian Center and KINE Radio for a mini fashion show at 6:30, an opening by Ka Pā Hula O Kauanoe O Wa'ahila under the direction of Kumu Hula Maelia Loebenstein Carter at 7, and at 7:30 - the incomparable Willie K. Manuahi. 922-2299, royalhawaiiancenter.com. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 22 O 'AUKAKE KALAPANA CULTURAL DAY Kīkala Loop off of Kapoho-Kalapana Road, Kalapana, Hawai'i. 10 a.m. Enjoy food, entertainment, craft demonstrations and memories with the people of Kalapana. This yearly celebration is a revival of cultural festivals held in Kalapana before the area was consumed by lava. Manuahi. PŌ'AHĀ, LĀ 27 O 'AUKAKE RAIATEA HELM AT MOONLIGHT MELE Bi.shop Museum, Kalihi, 7 p.m. Enjoy the sweet falsetto of Raiatea Helm on the museum's Great Lawn. Also hear Hōkū Zuttenneister. $20, $15 in advance, $10 members, military and Bankoh employees and customers. Bishop Museum Ticket Office, 847-3511, bishopmuseum.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ5 0 KEPAKEMAPA KA HĪMENI ANA Hawai.'i. Theatre, Honolulu, 7:30 p.m. This 25th unamplified Hawaiian music contest brings together the stars of tomorrow, following in the footsteps of former winners such as Holunape, Pilioha, Ku'uipo Kumukahi, Kanilau, 'Ale'a and more. This year's contest is dedicated to Nola Nahulu, emceed by Marlene Sai and judged by Haunani Apoliona, Bill Kaiwa and Nina Kealiiwahamana. Mahi'ai Beamer will be the organist, and up for grabs are monetary prizes and a recording contract with Hula Records. $6 - $30, plus $3 Hawai'i Theatre restoration fee. 778-2945, ellenmartinezz@aol.com. ■
Chanters will mark the 50th anniversary of statehood by eommemorating the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani in 1893. The free evenf of mele and chant will take plaee at 'lolani Palaee, where the queen onee lived. - Photo: Hloine Fergerstrom