Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 7, 1 July 2009 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LĀLĀMILO AHUPUA'A Nohee is hereby given that there are iwi kupuna (human skeletal remains) in unmarked graves documented at TMK: 6-6-001:10, 54. 77; and 6-6-004:12 through 17. in the ahupua'a of Lālāmilo, South Kohala, Island of Hawai'i. The remains are on approximately 250 acres situated south of Kawaihae Road, north of Waikoloa Stream, and we st of the transfer station road. A total of 1 8 iwi kupuna are documented from nine archaeological features. The applicant for this project is the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Attn: Land Development Division, 1099 Alakea St„ Suite 2000, Honolulu, HI 96813, (808) 586-3800. Historical documents indicate that the following family names are associated with the land in the project area described above: W. Pekele, J.A. Palea, J.W. Pa. Mahikulani Lindsey, James F. Lindsey (please note that a previous Public Notice for this property incorrectly spelled these names as "Lindsay"), and Norah and Wilmot Vredenburg. These iwi kupuna are assumed to be Native Hawaiian individuals, and proper treatment shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E. Revised Statutes, Section 43.5, regarding unmarked grave sites. The proposed treatment is to keep all known iwi kupuna in plaee. Interested persons please respond within 30 days of this notice to Theresa Donham, DLNR-SHPD/ (808) 933-7653/ 40 Po'okela Street, Hilo, HI 96720; Holly McEldowney, DLNR-Division of State Parks/ (808) 587-0287/ 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96813; Miehael Dega, Scientific Consultant Services ine./ (808) 597-1 182/ 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd„ Ste. 975, Honolulu, HI 96813; and/or Robert Spear, Scientific Consultant Services Ine., 711 Kapi'olani Blvd„ Ste. 975, Honolulu, HI 96813/ (808) 597-1 182. The state's burial sites regulations require that individuals responding must be able to adequately demonstrate Mneal and/or cultural connection to the burial(s) on the above referenced parcel in the appropriate ahupua'a and district.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Consumer Micro Loan Program Tlie OHA CMLP ls deslgned to provide low cost loans to Native Hawallans who are experienclng temporary Hnaneial hardship as a result of unforeseen events, or who need small ainounts of fimdfng to enlianee tlielr careers. Loans are avallable up to $7,500 at a ilat interest rate of 5.0% wlth a maximimi repayment term of 5 years or 60 montlis. To be eliglble for a Consumer Micro Loan, you must meet the followlng criteria: • Applicant must be of natlve Hawaiian Ancestry • Applicant must be at least 18 yrs of age and a resident of the State of Hawaii • Applicant's credit history should be satisfactory • Applicant must have the ability to repay tlie loan • Loans must be for tlie primary applicants beneflt • Loans are available to individiials, only (partnersliips, corporatlons, sole proprietorships, etc., are excluded) Examples of Allowahle and Unallowahle Loan Purposes
Allowahle Loan Purposes: - Death in the family - Emergency health sitnation - Unexpected home repairs - Unexpected auto repairs - Career development courses - Apprenticeship programs - CDL license
Unallowahle Loan Purposes: - Debt consolidatlon - Refinancing - Vacation - Inveshnent i - Re-lending by borrower - Home remodeling/ Improvement
For more informcition or a clownloaclable application. plecise visit www.oha.org/anlp Contcict the Eeonomie Development Hale at (808) 5 94-1829. or email quentinf@oha.org.
®HA 0ffice of Hawaiian affairs
711 Kapi'olanl Blvd. Suite 500 • Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 • 808.594. 1835