Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2009 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KAWAIAHA'O CHURCH AND CEMETERY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an applieahon has heen made with the State of Hawai 'i Department of Health for the disinterment of unidentified human graves without claims of lineal descent interred at the Kawaiaha'o Church and Cemetery located at 957 Punehhowl Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i, TMK: 2-10-32-017:0000 in HonoluluAhupua'a, Kawaiaha'o, Kona District, O'ahu. All interested person are hereby requested to contact Lani Ma'a Lapilio at (808) 596-8166 no later than 30 days from the date of this notice. Kawaiaha'o Church, through its Board of Trustees, is planning to erect a Multi-Pur-pose Center (MPC) on the present site of the administrative office building and the social hall, known as Likeke Hall, and install necessary underground utilities. In 1940 during the construction of Likeke Hall, an effort was made to relocate burials discovered in this area, also known as Section B of the Cemetery. There are 20 burial lots (Lots 15 -34) in Section B and the lot numbers are registered in the names of: Mary Adams, Kinipeki, Mrs. Holstein, David Kanuha, Heu, J. Moanauli, Kekuahanai, Waiwaiole, G. Wessel, Mauliawa, Kamaka, Kuhiaopio, Wm. Buckle, Pilali, J. Kapena, Kapi'olani Estate and Widow of S. Metcalf. The following list of names are individuals whose relocation from Section B of the Kawaiaha'o Church Cemetery was already accomplished in 1940 as necessitated by the construction of the administrative offices and Likeke Hall: Alexander Auld Jr., Alexander Auld Sr., Edith Auld, James Auld, Samuel Auld, Mr. Caesar, Mrs. Kaanaana Caesar, Abigail K. Drew, Elizabeth Duarte, Baby (Wise) Glosstein, Ella Lois Hayselden, Berniee Kanani Holstein, Hennan Holstein, Mrs. Rebecca Holstein, Mrs. Annie Kanakanui, Kawelo Kanakanui, Alfred Kanuha, Mary Kamaka Kapahu, Noah Kauhane, Priscilla Kauhane, S. Kinipeh, Awa Koulukou, Nancy Lahapa, Baby Lowell, Hannah Maughn, Mrs. E.R. Mauliawa, E.K. Moanauli, J. Moanauli, J.W. Moanauli, K. Moanauli, S.M. Moanauli, Elizabeth Moss, Naope, George Norton, Angeline Palea, Louisa Pohano, Julia Punohu, Kalua (Baby) Purdy, Kalua Purdy, William (Baby) Purdy, George Shaw, Kaluahinui Purdy Shaw, Lahela Shaw, Toma, Anna Wessel, Nancy Wirt, John Wise Jr., John Wise Sr., and Lois Wise. In addition to these known individuals, there were other unidentified individuals that were removed from Kawaiaha'o and some were relocated to other cemeteries. Frank Pestana I Chairperson, Board of Tmstees, Kawaiaha'o Church