Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2009 — Read to someone -- native lives intertwine in tale [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Read to someone -- native lives intertwine in tale
By Francine Murray Brnadcast/Media Cnnrdinatnr Dedicated to the keiki of Hawai'i, this book's theme is a time to take care of one another. Born and raised in the branches of the fragrant māmaki tree, Pulelehua knows this is the perfect plaee to lay her egg. When the egg hatches the māmaki tree welcomes the newborn, "aloha, my keiki hānai, yoiu mother has given you to me. I will take care of you." After reading this delightful tale of the delicate Hawaiian insect and nurturing tree to a dear child, together you ean learn more about these two endemic Hawaiians in the same beautifully illustrated hardback. Pulelehua, or the Kamehameha Butterfly, featured in this charming book is one of only two native Hawaiian butterfly species, the other is called the Hawaiian Blue butterfly. Where ean you see pulelehua? What is the life cycle of the butterfly? What did the early Hawaiians use the māmaki tree for? How do you grow and care for māmaki in your garden? Learn the answers to all these questions and more here. Some of the other native plants described in this book are 'ōhi'a lehua, koa, hāpu'u and palapalai. There is even a little Hawaiian glossary at the end of the book. So, no worries, when reading this story and your young audience interrupts to ask, "What is kūaloli?" You'll be ready with, "It is the Hawaiian word for meta-
morpnosis, wmen means to change or transform. The caterpillar kūaloli, changes into the handsome butterfly." Hannani Orme's dreamy and visually impressive illustrations bring the characters to life with fine detail as their tale unfolds in the flowing eool green native forest. Janice Crowl also authors a web site called Hawaii Gardening, whieh features ideas for earthfriendly, sustainable gardening in Hawai'i. Another one of her books is Contai.ner Gardeni.ng i.n Hawai.'i, How to Grow Paradi.se i.n a Pot, a do-it-yourself book in whieh she teaches how to turn almost any space into a beautiful potted garden. ■ Both books are available at BooklinesHawaii.com. Proceeds from the sale of Pulelehua and Māmaki. support the Bishop Museum.
Pulelehua and Mōmaki By Janice Crowl lllustrations by Harinani Orme Kamahoi Press