Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 6, 1 June 2009 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
■ ■ The Draft Environmental lmpact 5tatement (Draft EI5) for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Project is noiv available for revieiv. Those on the Project mailing list have already received copies of the Draft EI5. The Draft EI5 is also available for doivnload on the Project ivebsite iviviv.TMT-HaivaiiEIS.ora or in hard copy at all loeal public libraries. We hope you have the opportunity to revieivthe Draft EIS and contact us ivith your comments related to the Project. There are a number of avenues to submit your comments during the 45-day Draft EIS comment period whieh ends on July 7, including: • Comment using the commenttool on our ivebsite: iviviv.TMT-HaivaiiEIS.ora • Leave us a message on our hotline: 1-&66-2&4-1716 (toll-free) • Attend one of our public meetings. Public meetings ivill folloivthe format of the scoping meetings: open house, presentations, and comment period.
Waimea Hilo Puna Ka'ū Hāivī Kona Honolulu
June 16 (Tue) June 17 (Wed) June 16 (Thr) June 22 (Mon) June 23 (Tue) June 24 (Wed) June 25 (Thr)
Waimea Elementary School Cafeteria Hilo High 5chool Cafeteria Pāhoa High 5chool Cafeteria Ka'ū High/Pāhala Elementary School Cafeteria Kohala Cultural Center Kealakehe Elementary School Cafeteria Farrington High 5chool Cafeteria
*Piease eheek website or hotiine to eonfirm dat ee, piaeeo, anel times. • You may also mail ivritten comments to: TMT Project EI5 Process UH Hilo, Office of the Chancellor 200 W. Kāwili Street Hilo, Hl 96720-4091 We look forivard to seeing you atthe public meetings and continuing to ivork ivith the communities of Hawai'i on this project. To request language interpretation, an auxiliary aid, or service please leave a message on our hotline 1-&66-2&4-1716 and ive ivill ivork ivith you to provide assistance. Mahalo for your time and interest. I *
LJ /"^1 C HAWAIIAN 'OHANA fOR n \/ Education in the art5 'BUSINE$$ OF ART" WORK$HOP JUNE 2009 BlC ISLAND
Workshop presenter, Herman Pi'ikea Clark, Ph.D. "How do Native Hawaiian artists integrate their cultural values as Hawaiians against the sometimes dissimilar values of the commercial marketplace....?"
Waimea: Saturday, June 13, 2009 Kona: Sunday, June 14, 2009 Ka'u: Saturday, June 20, 2009 Hilo: Sunday, June 21, 2009
īpm īpm īpm īpm
- 4pm at Wai'aka House @ HPA Campus - 4pm at Kealakehe High School Library - 4pm at Kalaekilohana Bed & Breakfast - 4pm at Kamehameha Schools, Kea'au