Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 6, 1 Iune 2009 — Kau Inoa Q&A Heard at the registration table ... [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kau Inoa Q&A Heard at the registration table ...

ū: Why is it taking so long? A: ln order for us to create a governing entity that represents the majority of the Hawaiian people, there have to be a credible number of Hawaiians registered. Now that we've reached 100,000 registrants, we are moving into consultations with registrants as we prepare for an 'Aha (convention) perhaps by next summer. If you've been waiting to register, now is the time! ū: Will someone be contacting me? Are meetings planned? What's next? A: Next the Office of Hawaiian Affairs is asking for in-depth discussion through the Community Consultation Network, a coordinated effort of media tools to eommunicate with eaeh other. We invite you all to share your mana'o! Sign up or find more information at oha.org/ccn, or eall Dawn Hironaka at 594-1759.

Kau Inoa For questions about your Kau Inoa registration status or to update your contact information, contact Hawai'i Maoli at 394-0050 or kauinoa@hawaiimaoli.org. Registration opportunities: 594-1912 T-shirt inquiries: 594-0245 Leka uila (e-mail): hla@oha.org Kahua Punaewele (web site/ blog): kauinoa.org/blog Twitter: @kauinoa

Kau Inoa Count as of AAay 8, 2009 105,071