Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 Mei 2009 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Community Based Eeonomie Development Grants Program

IMPORTANT NOHCE OF REVISED APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR FY10 Starting in the FY2010 grants cycle (July 2009-June 2010), the OHA CBED Grants Program is introducing a simplified two-step grant process intended to help our non-profit partners better serve our Native Hawaiian beneficiaries. To be eligible to submit a full applieahon to the CBED Grants Program, Interested organizations will be required to submit a two (2) page "Letter of Interest" (LOI) by July 15, 2009. LOIs should summarize the main project idea and objectives, the community's need, the level of community involvement and support, and the ability and readiness of the organization to carry out the proposed project. Based on eligibility and suitabllity of the project to the CBED program, an OHA review committee will issue invitations to organizations to submit full applications due October 15, 2009. Interested parties not receiving an invitation to apply will not be eligible to submit an applieahon during this round of funding, but may resubmit an LOI at a later date as appropriate. A second Letter of Interest deadline for the FY10 cycle is tentatively scheduled for January 29, 2010, depending upon available fmids. Awards up to $50,000 per organization will be made to community-based organizations to plan, develop, and implement sustainable eeonomie development projects/programs that will serve the needs of the Hawaiian community and acliieve measurable outcomes. To be eligible for funding, and applicant must: 1. Attend an FY10 OHA CBED Workshop or a meet with the CBED Specialist prior to submitting a Letter of Interest. 2. Submit a 2 page (max) LOI: receive an invitation to apply to the program: and submit a full applieahon by the applieahon deadline. 3. Show proof of IRS tax-exempt non-proflt status (operating in the State of Hawai'i) or be a government agency: 4. Be a membersliip-based organization that includes the commmiity's members in decision-making, project development, and/or that performs outreach and organizing activities: 5. Propose a project/program that has a positive eeonomie impact on Native Hawaiians individually or as a group, and that is compatible with the commmiity's vision for eeonomie development and quality of life: and 6. Secure at least one other source of matched fmiding of at least 25% of the total project cost. Grant guidelines, including a CBED workshop schedule, will be available at www.oha.org/cbed. For more information, please contact Jennifer Talvehana, CBED Specialist, at (808) 594- 1990 or jennifert(āoha.org.

®HA Office of Hawaiian Affairs

711 Kapi'olani Blvd. S"uite 500 • Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 • 808.594.1835