Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 Mei 2009 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


^ Tvpe or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 LViU>Li Blvd., Honolulu, III 96813. Submissions received by the 15h of tbe Make eheek payable to OHA. month wlU aPPear m next month s edltlon"

1 BR GARDEN UNITS for native Hawaiian Kupuna. Kulanakauhale Maluhia O Na Kupuna, 41-209 Ilauhole St., Waimanalo. Ineome & age restrictions. Now accepting applications. Prudential Locations LLC (808) 426-1400. EHO. ALOHA AUTO BODY Your auto body repair and refinishing specialists! Touch ups, collision, insuranee, we do it all! Hilo, 866 Mililani St. Ph. (808) 961-9900. ALOHA EELLOW HAWAIIANS & Hawaiians at heart. I remembered who I AM, gained inner strength & lost 50#, 8" off my waist in becoming healthy. So canyou! email me: hoomalu@pacific netBIG ISLAND - BEAUTIFUL 10 ACRES Waimea/ Puukapu pastoral, fully-fenced, no water, electric. (DHHLqualified.) Call for details, ask forPua. (808) 896-6888. BIG ISLAND FOR SALE: WAIMEA 5 ae. AG, w/cottage/ 1 bath, large shed, fence. Waimea pastoral 10 ae., fenced. DHHLleases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: hahuehal® aol.com. BIG ISLAND FRESIDENTIAL LOTS: Must be ready to build. Puupulehu, 10,738sf and 10,000sf, majestic view of Mauna Kea. DHHL leases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. habuchal@aol.com. BIG ISLAND, PUUKAPU, Waimea, HI, 10 acres on DHHL lease land, beautiful cattle and farm eoun-

try. $125,000 or make offer. Call Keala (808) 8801192. DHHL LESSEE WILL TRADE Keaukaha 21,000+sf lot for lot/lot and home on Oahu, or will sell to DHHL qualified. Call 732-9751. DIABETIC OR OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lbs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetic, cholesterol & BP meds. Last, safe, easy & physician recommended. www.ohanawellness.tsfl.com. Call Johnny Kai, 971-533-6881 or email ohanawellness@msn.com. HAVE QUALIFIED DHHL APPLICANTS: 50% Native Hawaiians who want lease in Waimanalo, Papakolea, Nanakuli, fixer-uppers OK, undivided interest leases, anything available. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. HAWAIIAN HOMESTEAD FOR SALE or looking to buy. From Waimanalo, Kapolei or Waianae. Call for all your real estate needs, Aukai Victorino (RA), (808) 368-1272, 696-4774 Ext. 17. Email: aukai@westbeachrealty.com HOME IN PUUKAPU: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car enclosed garage. Open piīeh ceiling, beautiful views. Call for details, ask forPua. (808) 896-6888. HOMESTEAD LOTS: Keokea, $80,000; Makuu, $45,000; Panaewa, $175,000; Keaukaha, $50,000. Century 21 Realty Specialists (808) 295-4474 or toll free: 1-800-210-0221. KAMUELA HOMESTEAD: 300 acres w/ 3 bed-

room, 1 bath home, awesome views. $625,000. Century 21 Realty Specialists (808) 295-4474 or toll free: 1-800-210-0221. KAMUELA / KAWAIHAE Specializing in site work: lot grading, land clearing, demolition, cesspools, and septic systems. LIC #ABC6100. Call for estimates (808) 885-4062. KANAKA MAOLI FLAGS & T-SHIRTS decals, post cards and bumper-stickers. 3'x5' durable nylon flags $30.00, hand flags $6.00, T-shirts in hlaek, purple or lime-green; sizes from S to XXXL $17.00 (S,M,L) and $21.00 (XL, XXL, XXXL). www.kanakamaolipower.info or phone 808-332-5220. KAPOLEI EAST II - DHHL UNDIVIDED interest lease. $35,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey ®, West Oahu Reality, Ine. Ph. (808) 228-9236. Email: realestate@ wjkbailey.com. KAWAIHAE HOMESTEAD LOT: Views, private flag lot, $40,000. Call Lali De Wolfe, RA Tel. (808) 392-2656 or email LaliD@cbpacific.com. Coldwell BankerPacific Properties. KOKUA 'OHANA: Native Hawaiian Foster Families Needed. Hanai I Ka La'akea. for more information eall (808) 595-6320 or toll free at (888) 8798970. LAI'OPUA 2/1 OCEAN VIEW, schools, shopping $230,000. Wilhelm JK Bailey ®, West Oahu Reality, Ine. Ph. (808) 228-9236. Email: realestate@wjkbailey.com.

MAUI-LOTCLEARING, GRUBBING, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, quality work and reasonable rates. Call 808-760-8278. MAUI WAIOHULI UNDIVIDED interest lot, trade for a Kapolei lot. Call John at (808) 959-2312 or (808) 895-2929. MOLOKAI - 10 AC, AG, HOOLEHUA: Corner lot, great Loe. 2/2 home, greenhouse, chillbox, 5 ae; Maui Waiohuli Res. Undiv. Int. half ae, Ph. 4 Waiohuli 1, 1 ae. DHHL leases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty, Ine. (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. QUALITY HOMES BY CAB & CORD LLC: Quality First & Affordable Next. (Cabradilla & Cordero) Lie. #BC12747. See at Waiohuli, Kula, Maui - Puuala St. (808) 572-6190 or (808) 280-4452. TRADE: MAUI, WAIOHULI UNDIVIDED interest lessee seeks trade for Waiohuli Hikina subdivision or Unit 1 subdivision. Will consider all options, but vacant lot preferred. Please Call (808) 268-8994. WAIANAE HOMESTEAD: 5 bd /6 bath spacious home, pool, corner lot, 4,000+ sq.ft. $450,000. Century 21 Realty Specialists (808) 295-4474 or toll free: 1-800-210-0221. WAIMANALO FOR SALE: Undivided interest lease, excellent No. on list. Selection in July. Nanakuli fixer-upper 4/1.5 DHHL lease. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty, Ine. (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. ■

I ALU LIKE ine. I Summer 2009

Calling Kuleana Land Holders

P® Applications available online at http://www.alulike.org/services/kaipu_hana.html

The Kuleana Lanel Tax Ordlnance on O'ahu, Kaua'l and Hawal'l lsland allows ellglble owners to pay a maxiinum of $100 a year in property taxes. OHA would lil,e to hear from you to gather statlstlcs that could assist in developing laws to exempt Kuleana Lands from land taxes, similar to that wliieh passed for the City and County of Honolulu, Kaua'i and Hawai'i countles. If you have Kuleana Lands and would llke to assist in the creatlon of such a tax exemptlon in your county, please contact the Kuleana Land Survey Call Center at 594-0247. Email: kuleanasurvey@oha.org. Mailing address: Kuleana Land Survey, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olanl Blvd. Ste. 500, Honolulu, HI 96813. All personal data, such as names, locatlons and descrlptlons of Kuleana Lands wlll be kept secure and used solely for the purposes of tlris attempt to perpetuate Kuleana rlghts and possession. OFFICE OF I IAWAIIAN AFFAI RS

The purpose of this Hana Lima Scholarship is to give hnaneial assistance to students participating in a vocational or technical education program for occupations that ean provide a "living wage." Eligible programs include, but are not limited to, diesel mechanics, automotive technology, nursing, medical assisting, cosmetology and emergency medical technician. Preference is given to non-traditional students: single parents, disabled (meets ADA definition), houseless, sole ineome providers, previously incarcerated and wards of the court.

ALU LIKE, ine. Hale O Nā Limahana 458 Keawe Street Honolulu, Hawai' i 968 1 3

As an applicant, you must meet the following criteria: • Be of Native Hawaiian ancestry • Be a resident of the state of Hawai'i • Be enrolled in a vocational degree or certification program (AS or AAS— Associates Degree) for the Summer 2009 term in one of the educational institutions in Hawai'i listed on our applieahon. If you have any questions, contact: ALU LIKE, ine. Career & Technical Education at (808) 535-6734. Funding maāe possible by the gracious contributions ofthe Kamehameha Schools.


Kuleana Land Survey Office of Hawalian Affalrs 711 Kapl'olanl Blvd. Sulte 500 Honolulu. HI 96813 (808) 594-0247 - kuleanasurveySoha.org