Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 May 2009 — Mr. Silva, what about the kapu? [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Silva, what about the kapu?

In his eolumn, Tyranny and iwi exposed. Mr. Silva criticizes the military as he writes about the Pililā'au Mākua Military Reservation in regards to desecration of land, of iwi, allowing religious activities to the god Lono in the valley of Kāne, etc. Is Silva telhng us that our history books are wrong? That Kamehameha II did not order heiau to be demolished, god idols burned, and that the kahuna all agreed with him even to the extent that Chief Kahuna Hewahewa destroyed his own heiau? If he believes praying to the god Kāne is a cultural practice of today then he must believe in the kapu. We Hawaiians of the Christian faith sin when we break one of the 10 Commandments but when we ask for forgiveness they are forgiven. What about the kapu? If Silva isn't just giving everyone a lot of "waha nui" he should dedicate his next Ka Wai 01 a eolumn on the kapu. Regarding the sacredness of the iwi, does one have to be dead before their bones are considered sacred? What about the bones of our military 'ohana who have fought and are fighting to protect our freedom aren't they just as sacred? 8/7/ Punini Prescott Nānākuli, O'ahu