Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 May 2009 — Missed the rolly [ARTICLE]

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Missed the rolly

This is response to the Letter to the Editor ('Apelila) about the Feb. 25 rally at the state Capitol. Keala West is very fortunate for getting the ehanee to experience that power and strength that we ean have when we stand together. Well, I'm here on the Big Island and couldn't be there; I was hoping that we would have had a rally for the people on the Big Island at the state building, but there was nothing going on. The Honolulu rally attracted 300 people, but just imagine if someone had organized a rally on eaeh of the Islands. We could have gotten maybe a total of 600 people who would be gathering for our lands. The fight for our lands isn't over, so I'm hoping that the next time we need to stand together all of the Islands will be standing together. Jo Ann Lee-Domen Hilo, Hawai'i