Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 May 2009 — Tyranny and iwi exposed [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Tyranny and iwi exposed

How tyranny worked at MaKmndUS^pm^

Aloha nō my 'Ohana, remember when our kūpuna visualized, practiced and taught us that the most divine prophecy is about Ki'i, La'ila'i and us, their descendants. Our ties to our progenitors, civilization and Mākua Valley are through our Piko, our divine purpose and our prior and continued history. And, that our history and dreams are the impetus that removes the U.S. and its Army's prolonged military occupation! First, surely some in the U.S. Army's Hawai'i command and advisory eouneil of historic preservation (ACHP) may have been to Iraq. It took time there, but finally it was learned that the Army had to make vital distinctions between Sunni and Shi'a, who were both Iraqi citizens and separate religious groups. Although they could be treated equally, their relationships to different mosques and historic properties were not equal. This is true as well about Hawaiian people and Hawaiian religions and graveyards. The kupuka'aina, the original people of Mākua Valley, are verifiable lineal descendants and have especially complex relationships as both Hawaiian and Iraqi peoples experi-

enee when the U.S. militarily oeeupied ttheir countries, temples and graveyards. A side-by-side view of adverse discrimination against Africans for slavery and the Chinese and Mexicans for labor and what happened to the American Indians and to the Iapanese shows a pattern. Wrongfully, the adverse discrimination - or better known as tyranny and/or eultural genocide - is obviously forced upon the Hawaiian people and their nation. 2) In Iraq, the U.S. and its Army finally used principles of positive discrimination that required a simple solution defined as "Preferenee" for Iraqi nationals to morally connect them to their historic property. Hawaiian nationals should have the same ethical treatment for their Kāne religion, temples and eemeteries in Mākua Valley. The Army's FM 27-10 law and its paradigm obligation in Federal 106 law, and 6E - HAR, 13-300-35, also gives "Preferenee" for proper treatment for native Hawaiians' skeletal remains and burial goods to "know lineal descendants." 3) The "Preference" uses have been upheld in recent U.S. Supreme Court cases that determined lineal

descendants are inextricably intertwined with their native cultural landscape and have "Preference" in decisions that may adversely affect their burial goods, cultural properties and graveyards. In summary, the Army adversely discriminates across the board against Hawaiian and American nationals - why? We are giving the Army and the ACHP the examples in history and showing you that this has been the "Pattern" of the U.S. toward non-white people or smaller peaceful nations. We all realize we should pay more attention and find out what's going on here. These problems are about behavior and we recommend that you eontact Dr. David Keanu Sai at HawaiianKingdom.org or Kahuaka'i, Tom Lenehanko at smvl520@aol.com and ask for kōkua! Also, it's ineompetent for the Army not to have eultural resources management plans (CRMPs) ! Lacking CRMPs maybe the biggest crime in occupation and the breaking of cultural preservation law in Hawai'i's recent history ! 4) The Army's response to our pinpointing Army responsibilities is disingenuous, self-contradicting and superficial. If the Army has learned how to respect the differences among

Iraqis, then why can't the Army apply those same insights in Hawai'i and Mākua Valley? Obviously, all the people living in Wai'anae are not equally related to Mākua Valley ! 5) How ean there be trust and integrity in your actions if the Army dismisses past histories of desecrations and destruction of sacred sites? The Army continues to ignore shareholders having anything to do with royal patent (RP), Kuleana and Tenant Property Rights in Mākua Valley. Then the Army subsequently invites us to identify more gravesites, war memorials and traditional eultural properties (TCPs). Doesn't the Army and the ACHP see their own disconnect from the reality of past and present desecrations? 6) Respectfully, we must say to them: clarify your responses regarding our charges that the Army is governed by F-M 27-10 and 106 regulations as its obligatory to Army behavior and conduct pertaining to occupied historic property. And clarify your response specifically about the Army's removing 300-plus sets of our 'ohana skeletal remains and artifacts from Kāneana Cave in the early 1930s. On numerous levels our 'ohana has requested to the Army not to enter, remove or disturb our Kāneana Ka'ānani'au temples and cemeteries. The Army chose to remove all our iwi and artifacts from Kāneana cave to use the cave for Army wartime purposes. The Army has not returned our 300-plus iwi 'ohana, apologized or repaired the damages to our sacred Kāne cave or ended their war on Hawai'i. The "cave," is the "birth womb of our Hawaiian Adam and Eve, Ki'i and La'ila'i!" In this case the Army is in significant violation of its own Field Manual 27-10 against genocidal behavior. "Preference" ean also pertain to conduct pursuant to international law and treaties! In such an instance few U.S. courts or other courts will look favorably on their pronouncements about the Army and the ACHP's not having to address issues that you don't think arise from your current so-called Mākua Programmatic Agreement - whieh they have recently told us. 8) The Army should lead the way in dealing with the differences between those who have only a eultural relationship to Mākua Valley

and those who are the lineal descendants, Kupuka'aina, the original people of Mākua Valley. The lineal descendants of Mākua Valley have worshipped and buried our ancestors in Mākua for several thousand years. 9) Or, you - the U.S. Army and ACHP ean violate your duty, break the law onee again and risk that this might be the moment that we will find help by appealing up the ehain of command or receiving legal help from outside your system. 10) It is time for the Army's Hawai'i conunand and the ACHP to make a good faith effort to know our 'āina, Wahipana of Mākua, is sacred land to the Hawaiian people. And, that the Army is using Mākua as an active firing range against all legal, moral and ethical logic. History will judge Army's/Lucking's/ACHP's actions! Evidently the Army wants to name its firing range after our bloodrelated Unele Herbert Pililā'au; yet the Army violates and desecrates his families' sacred sites. The solution is to follow the law of positive discrimination pursuant to FM 27-10 and our treaties via "Preference" between those who are Hawaiian Nationals directly connected to Kuleana and private lands in Mākua Valley and those who are not! We understand the way the Army's Lucking is using Hui Mālama members to violate and divide the Hawaiian community and divert attention from their violations. President Obama 'Ohana, please hear our calls and do not allow the Army to destroy Hawaiian National Treasures in Mākua or anywhere in Hawai'i! 'Ohana the time is near, and we want to invite you to Kūkaniloko on June 21, 2009, from sunup to sunāown tofurther discuss the de-occu-pation deliberations; bring food if ean to celebrate reunion of our 'Ohana and our amazing leaders that will attend and consider our pono history and future for those yet to eome! Mahalo nō 'ohana for your patience, kindness and kōkua. I'o lako my 'ohana for the ponopono to build a solid and true peaee for our keiki(s). ■ Respectfidly, Alika Poe Silva, Kalm Kulāiwi, Koa Mana, Kupuka 'aina o Wai'anae, Mākua Wahipana, O'ahu, Hawaiian Nahonal. ContactAUka Poe Silva at: alikapoesilva@yahoo.com.

