Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 Mei 2009 — LUA ON HISTORY CHANNEL [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hosted by Terry Schappert, a show about lua will be the finale of the 1 0-part "Warriors" series, whieh covers warrior cultures around the world. On O'ahu, Schappert worked with Pō Ku'i A Holo led by 'Ōlohe Dr. Mitchell Eli, who helped write the book on lua, literally, with four others who were also trained by the late Charles Kenn, the last living lua master when he died at age 72. "Warriors: lslands of Blood" airs at 7 p.m. and 1 1 p.m., May 7 on the History Channel. After they air, see the episodes at history.com/warriors or buy the DVD at history.com. - Photo: Courtesy ofHigh Hoon Entertainment
m Read about the show in the April edition of Ka Wai Ola Loa at oha.org/km/ loa/2009/04.