Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 May 2009 — Mei CALENDAR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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!ER9H PŌ'AONO-PŌ'AKAHI, LĀ 23-25 O MEI HILO INTER-TRIBAL POWWOW Wailoa State Park, Hilo, Hawai'i. All day. Experience the sights, sounds, flavors and spirit of native America as Native Americans living in Hawai ' i will j oin dancers j and drummers from native nations across the continental U.S. in the ceremo- ' nies. Manuahi. (808) 557- 1 8607, info@hilopowwow. eom, or hilopowwow.com.

PŌ'ALIMA, LĀ8 0 MEI PŪPŪKAHI I KE ALO O NĀ PUA REFLECTIONS Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall, Honolulu, 7 p.m. More than 200 alumni and graduating seniors from the class of 1989 to 2009, as well as 60 younger students, will eome together to remember two decades of Mid-Pacific Institute's hālau hula. Tickets $20, $30 and $50. Ticketmaster, (800) 745-3000. PŌ'AHĀ-PŌ'AONO, LĀ 14-16 O MEI KA HULA PIKO FESTIVAL Pōpōhaku Beach Park, Kaluako'i, Moloka'i. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. eaeh day. Celebrate Ka Hula Piko on the island where hula was born. Features entertainment, Hawaiian food, handmade crafts by the people of Moloka'i and a series of lectures by Hālau Hula O Kukunaokalā. Manuahi. (808) 5533673 orniva@niobettah.net.

PŌ'AONO, LĀ 16 O MEI HAWAI'I SECONDARY SCHOOL HULA KAHIKO COMPETITION Kekūhaupi'o Gym, Kamehameha Schools, Kapōlama, O'ahu, lūa.m. The Kalihi-Pālama Culture and Arts Society presents a day of hula kahiko performances by students from public and private schools statewide. $8 at the door. 521-6905, keikihula@msn.com or kpcahawaii.com. ART OF THE CHANTER Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Wailuku, Maui. 7:30 p.m. Directed by Keali'i Reichel, an extraordinary program featuring chant by kumu hula and Hawaiian practitioners from kūpuna to 'ōpio. Some of these oli have not been heard for more than a eentury. A chicken-skin experience and historic occasion. Food and beverages available pre-show. $12-$40, keiki 12 and younger half price. (808) 242-SHOW or mauiarts.org.

LĀPULE, LĀ 17 O MEI HULIHE'E PALACE CONCERT AND VILLAGE STROLL Hulihe'e Palaee, Ali'i Drive, Kailua, Hawai'i. 4 p.m. Enjoy a concert featuring the Merrie Monarchs men's glee club and Hālau Hula Nā Pua U'i O Hawai'i, led by kumu hula Etua Lopez, on the Hulihe'e Palaee lawn. After the concert, enjoy kama'āina discounts at restaurants and shops along Ali'i Drive. Manuahi. For the concert, hulihee® ilhawaii.net. For the village stroll, info@kona-kohala.com. PŌ'AONO-LĀPULE, LĀ 23-24 O MEI NATIVE HAWAIIAN ARTS MARKET AND KEIKI DAY Bishop Museum, Kalihi, O'ahu. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Featuring more than 40 Native Hawaiian visual artists in celebration of Maoli Arts Month (MAMo) . Demonstrations, workshops, arts and crafts for the keiki, food and outstanding entertaimnent all day. $3-$15.95, keiki 3 and younger and Bishop Museum members manuahi. bishopmuseimi.org.


Native Americans aie the toast of the day at the ■ /Pwk ■ ;■ lntertribal Powwow in Hilo. - Courtesy photos