Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 9, 1 May 2009 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Creating opportunities for a better tomorrow. Cultivating a better community. The OHA Mālama Loan Program through First Hawaiian Bank is exclusively for Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian organizations and may be used for educational purposes, home improvement and a variety of your business needs. Apply today and earn up to 5,000 CashPointsSM* when you also apply and are approved for Priority RewardsSM Debit and Credit Cards. For more information or to apply, eall 643-LOAN or visit any branch or fhb.com.

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A First Hawaiian Bank We say Yes

Applieanl: rriu;:t he ot Native Hawaiian anr:eetry (biith c:ertitinate, OHA regiatry card, or Kamehameha hlehūūle veriticatior: etter will he accepted aa proot) or a Native Hawaiian orgar:izatiori, lt the applM i: a gioup ot people orgariize:J tor eeonomiie develop rner:t pupaee, applicarit ewnem hip rnuat he 100% Native Hawaiian, Gorrowera rnay he reg uired to eomplelē a credit eeu ri,aelir:g elaee hetcre receivir:g the loan. Eiaaeh upon a loan arnourit ot 310,000 at 5,00% AF'R, the payrnerit woull he 3133,71 per month haaeh or: a tully arnortizeiJ loar: tor 5 yeare, hlubiect to credit appnwal and eligibility, [leilain rē,atrictior:a and coriiJitiori,a apply, *5,000 Caa h Pcirita ia a total ot 3,500 poirite upon appioval ot Priority Bewarita Debit 3,ard and 2,500 poir:ta upon appiwal ot F'riority Rew,ard,a Credit C,ard Allow 30-45 daye trorn the d,ate ot p unehaae to receive your tioriua pointa. Olter ie open to peuaena aeeeu r:ta or:ly and ia aubiect to credit appmial. CaahPointa h,ave r:o oaah walue except aa deacritied ir: the F'riority R ewa rda Prograrri Agreerner:t, Firat Hawaiian Gar:k reaervea the right to eaneel the prograrn at ar:y tirre