Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2009 — Ka Wai Ola asked the candidates: What is the No. 1 issue facing Native Hawaiians in Honolulu City Council District 3, and how do you propose to address it? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Wai Ola asked the candidates: What is the No. 1 issue facing Native Hawaiians in Honolulu City Council District 3, and how do you propose to address it?
Paul H. Akau Age: 45 Area of residence: Waimānalo Occupation: Pastor( educator( self-employed Highesteducation level: Master's degree in education curriculum studies The major issue facing Native Hawaiians is the 'āina: land use, water rights and sustainabihty. These issues ean be addressed in Ihe following manner: 1) Support sustainable practices of traditional Native Hawaiian land and water use. 2) Provide support for traditional and cultural infrastracture through community, pubhc and private organizations.
J. Ikaika Anderson Age: 31 Area of residence: Waimānalo Occupation:Seniorlegislative assistant to the late eouneil member Barbara Marshall Highest education level: Bachelorof Arts degree in journalism and politieal science The main issue facing Ihe Hawaiian eommunity is federal recognition for Ihe Hawaiian people. As a City Council member, I wouldn't have jurisdiction over this issue, as it's in Ihe arena of Ihe federal govemment, but as an elected official of Hawaiian ancestry I'd have Ihe responsibihty to kōkua.
Tracy Nakano Bean Age: 46 Area of residence: Kāne'ohe Occupation: Hawaiian Airlines( in-flight department Highest education level: Bachelorof Science( Universityof Hawai'i at Mānoa, College of Tropical Agriculture The No. 1 issue facing Native Hawaiians in this community and beyond is not being heard by Ihe larger eommunity. People of this 'āina know their eommunity best. Honoring their wisdom and knowledge, while supporting grassroots efforts, will offer many solutions to problems cuirently affecting Ihe land and people.
John Henry Felix Age: 78 Area of residence: Kaiiua Occupation:Chairman( president and CE0( HMAA (Hawai'i Medical Assurance Association) Highest education level: Ph.D.( public administration I beheve beach access is a kuleana of every Hawaiian, whether to provide sustenance from Ihe sea's bounty or perform agelong practices wilh Ihe oeean. Working wilh Ihe state's Department of Land and Natural Resources and landowners to provide these access rights to Native Hawaiians would be wise.
Wilson Kekoa Ho Age: 66 Area of residence: Waimānalo (Hawaiian homestead) Occupation: Retired from retail bankingand finaneial management Highest education level: Bachelor's degree( Brigham Young University at Provo( Utah We would hke to get back 200 acres of ceded land promised 10 years ago in Waimānalo, from Ihe military. We would hke to use it for parks and playgrounds for ehildren. I would also propose a senior citizen center to include day care, a wellness eenter and child mentoring.
(pl www.oha.ors/kawaiola KOHO PĀLOKA ■ ELECTIDNS
Map: Courtesy ofthe 0ffice ofthe City Clerk