Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 April 2009 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloal
Kau • Spring/Summer 2009 ALAPA - We are having a reunion for the descendants of Oliwa Alapa Jr. (born 1853 in Kekaha, Kaua'i) and his wife Emily Pahuaniani Makakao (born 1854 in Kaupō, Maui) and their children: Harvey Oliwa (Aug. 2,1872), Moses (1874), George (1879), Ka'awa (1881), Nahinu (1883), Ana (Jan. 22, 1886), Oliwa Jr. (1888) and George Oliwa (1/15/1890). The reunion will be held in Punalu'u, O'ahu, July 17-19, 2009. If you are 'ohana and would like more information about our reunion please contact Nell Ava in Hawai'i (808) 721-6764, nava@hawaii. rr.com; Dawn Wasson in Hawai'i (808) 8528778, laiekupuna@yahoo.com; or Nettie Alapa Hunter in Oregon (866) 292-4099, Alapa58@msn.com. CHO - In preparation for the 2009 reunion for the descendants of Sin Kun and Anela Kelekolio Cho, the planning committee is requesting that all family members update their contact information, births, deaths or marriages and share updated contact information of other family members who may not subscribe to Ka Wai Ola. Information may be emailed to dianecho@hotmail.com or keoki okona@aol.com. The family will be holding its reunion in Hōnaunau, Hawai'i, July 4-5, 2009. More information ean be found on the reunion web site, members.tripod.com/ cho_ohana/. Next planning meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 12, 1 p.m, Hōnaunau Catholic Church Lot. Please eall Diane Cho at (808) 483-7337 or email dianecho@hotmail. eom for more information. HOLAU - In preparation for a family reunion in 2009 of Kupuna Eddie Holau of Lahaina, Maui, the 'ohana is asking for all family members to update their contact information including birth, marriage, death, adoption and hānai, to share your information concerning your family or other members within the 'ohana you know. The Holau 'Ohana of Maui will be hosting and reuniting their families for the first time including descendants of Kupuna Eddie Holau aka Eddie Laikupu and his daughter Lucy Holau-Laborte of Lahaina, Maui, and her siblings Eddie, George, Billy, Thomas, Andrew, Etha and Henrietta. Preliminary information regarding the reunion has been sent out in January. All interested parties are invited to attend. Lor more details and information contact Makanani Catugal at (808) 665-9966 ext. 122, Eddie and Donna Curimao at (808) 264-3178, or by e-mail, holauohanamaui2009@hotmail.com. KINIMAKA - This is a reminder to all Kinimaka descendants of Col. David Leleo Kinimaka and his wife Hannan Keolakala'au Allen Kinimaka of a date change to our
Kaua'i reunion. It is now rescheduled for July 30 and 31 in lieu of July 29 and 30, 2009, as previously announced. The Planning Committee apologizes for any inconvenience this change may have caused. Please visit our family web site KINIMAKA.COM for further details and updates as they occur. If you don't have a personal computer, eall Kaupena Kinimaka (Kaua'i) at (808) 639-2319 or Nani Kinimaka-Davis (O'ahu) (808) 391-1493, to register or for information. Although still months away from the reunion, an initial head count of who's coming will be helpful to the Planning Committee. The committee has set the shared reunion entry cost as follows: Family with children under 21 yrs, $100, individuals, 21 yrs and over, $50. We are fortunate to have cousin, kupuna and family historian Patricia Atcherley Hitchcock in attendance. If you are interested in your family history, where it started, etc., then you will be pleased to receive a Kinimaka Ancestral CD produced by cousin Patty and her husband, John. Eaeh family household will receive one free of charge, compliments of the Hitchcocks. Also on display will be a large wall chart of the Kinimaka 'Ohana genealogy and history. MANUWA/PAELE - The family of Harry Keali'i Manuwa and Hattie Paele will be holding a reunion April 23-26, 2009, at Hale Nanea in Kahului. Camping on the Hale Nanea grounds is permitted. Harry Manuwa, my grandfather, was born in Honokōhau Valley, and Hattie Paele, my grandmother, was bom in Kahakuloa Valley. My mother, Helen Nehoa Manuwa Castillo, was born at Honolua Bay. All of my mom's family eame from the west end of Kahakuloa. Some of the names from Kahakuloa Village given to me by my mom are Apuna, Hoewaa, Hoopii, Kana, Kauhaahaa, Kekona and Nakoa. She also mentioned that everyone who lived in Kahakuloa Valley was related somehow. Some of those names are Kahahane, Kalama, Kamaka, Kukahiko, Manuia, Naleieha, Palakiko, Pali and Sarol. So if any of you recognize the names, please eall me, Loretta Kepa, at home (808) 760-2465 or eell (808) 344-0861. Ho'oilo • Fall/Winter 2009 POAHA - A family reunion for Andrew Kapalaau Poaha and Elizabeth Keaka Kapiioho is set for Sept. 3-7, 2009, at One Ali'i Park on Moloka'i. All descendants of Ihe siblings Ellen Kauila Poaha (Cathcart), Bernice Peahi Poaha (Wmdrath), Stanislaus Enoka Poaha, Elias Poaha, James Kapiioho Poaha, Leo Kapalaau Poaha and Emily Kukunaokala Poaha (Harvey/ Hart) are asked to update their contact information, births, deaths or marriages to Pat Tancayo at (808) 567-6547 or Dorie Carlson at (808) 5535665 or email kauwilacarlson@yahoo.com.
Ma Hope • Later AHYO - A family reunion of Cheng Yuk and Helen Laikealoha Kaihomua Ahyo is set for July 22-24, 2010, in Hilo. All descendants of the siblings of Gabriel, Andrew, Lizzie, Josephine, Julia, Katherine, Cecilia, Annie, Edna, Mary Ahyo and Gilbert Aio are asked to contact Dennis Ahyo of Califomia at (408) 224-0336, (408) 896-4283, or email 29431 027 @comcast. eom; or Veronica Magno of Hilo at (808) 9356426 to update information of current home and e-mail addresses. A newsletter will be sent out with more details as the committee progresses in the planning of Ihe reunion. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please contact Dennis or Veronica. ELDERTS/MAHOE - The Johannes Emil Elderts and Keai Mahoe 'ohana is planning a family reunion in October 2010. We need to update mailing and e-mail addresses, phone numbers and family information, so please contact Lauren "Paulette Elderts" Russell at eldertsohana@hotmail.com or eall her at (808) 239-2913 or (808)285-4124. HOLOKAI - The Holokai 'ohana is planning a reunion in 2011. The parents were Harry Holokai and Hattie Moikeha. All of their ehildren have expired, but their children's children live on. We have 'ohana living in Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Kentucky and Oregon. (Excuse me if we missed your state.) The intention is to get the word out early so family members ean decide, plan and save if they would like to eome and meet with the many, many cousins here in Hawai'i. Tentative plans are to gather in Honolulu in March. The best date will be selected based upon people's availability. The committee will consider all information submitted so please contact us at your earliest convenience. Contact mayholokai@gmail.com, Holokai Family Reunion 2011 on Facebook, or (808) 375-0925. KAMEHAMEHA I/KANEIKOPOLEI - A Grand Reunion is being planned in 2010 for the royal descendants of Kamehameha I and his first wife, Kaneikopolei, also known as Kahulilanimaka. They had two children, a boy named Kaulaokekukui who died young, and a girl, Kahiwakaneikopolei, named Regina by the Catholic church. Regina Kahiwakaneikopolei (w) was married twice. The first marriage was to Chief Kahaaulani (k) by whom she had three children. The son was named Kaahiki Kalamakuikeaokukuipiooleolwikauikaua after her mother's brother, the chief of Hilo. Surnames are Poepoe and Keaulana. A daughter named Keliikipikaneokaolohaka married John Palmer Parker of Parker Ranch. Sumame is Parker. The third child, Honoululani, was without issue. After the death of Chief Kahaaulani, Regina Kahiwakaneikopolei mar-
ried Namiki, a high priest of the Paao Order, and had two children, Puahaunapuoko (w) and Kahoaliikumaiewakamoku (k). Puahaunapuoko married Ewaliko Piimauna (k) of the Kumuhone line of O'ahu. They had three children, two girls and a boy. The eldest daughter, named Victoria Kaleiula (w) married Lau Sung Iu (k). Surnames are Aiu, Koki, Guerrero, Kealohi and Devereux. The son, Ernest Moanalihaikawaokele (k) married Kailianu (w) and has no issue today. The youngest daughter, Hanamuahaleonaihe (w) married Andrew Nohokaikaleikini (k) and had three children: Kilikina Kaweluolanihuli (w) who died with no issue, Andrew Iaukea Keliikinaiahi, also known as Andrew Iaukea Bright (k), and Nohokaikaleikinikeliikaapuni (k) who died about Ihe age of 5. Andrew Iaukea Bright married Aliee Keahiokekuahu Kekipi (w). Surname is Bright. Lastly, John Peter Kahoaliikumaiewakamoku was named Zepherin by the Catholic church, translated to French and then Hawaiian as Kepelino. Kepelino was welleducated and accompanied Queen Emnia to England. He is known for authoring Traditions of Hawai'i. Surname is Kepilino. If anyone is interested in working with us in planning the reunion or for more information, contact Kanoe Cheek at kcheek0722@yahoo.com or mail informahon to Na Kuauhau O Kahiwakaneikopolei, P.O. Box 5411, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. PAKAKI - My father was Emest Enoka Pakaki married to Violet Kekahuna Kepaa, my mother. I am searching for any 'ohana related to my father's side. His mother's name was Louisa Kamanu from Wailuku, Maui, and father's name was Ernest Pekelo Pakaki. Looking over some 'ohana names, I have eome across Hooolapaikona (k) married Kaahanui (w) with one child Kauahikaua (k) married Pahaniu (w) with one child Nahau (w) who married Aiona (k), Kalanileleku (k) married Kalanipoo (w), Kaiona (w) married Pakaki, Meleana (w) married Pilikekai (k). If anyone is 'ohana please eall Angeline Aina, (808) 760-2187 (Maui) or email aaina@hawaii.mcom. Our family is planning our first reunion July or August 2010 and would be so happy to hear from any family member. You may also eall my brother on O'ahu, Moses Pakaki at (808) 696-4492. Imi 'Ohana • Family Search KAUKAOPUA aka KAOPUA - We are searching for Ihe descendants and connections to Tutu Naluahine Kaukaopua aka Kaopua and his 'ohana. The 'āina hānau would be in the Kahalu'u and Keauhou areas of Kona 'akau. The gathering of the descendants for genealogy workshop was held at Kahalu'u. The process of collecting data of the mo'okuauhau of these 'ohana are ongoing. Kāhea mai 'oe. Aunty Flo on O'ahu (808) 354-5035 or Aunty Kalani on Hawai'i (808) 329-7274. ■