Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 April 2009 — Capitol rally a moving experience [ARTICLE]
Capitol rally a moving experience
All I have to say is, "Wow!" in response to the kū'ē held Feb. 25 at the state Capitol. There was an estimated 300 people who turned out in support of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' position opposing the sale of ceded lands by the State of Hawai'i. The demonstration was very moving experience, and what I experienced at the kū'ē that morning I will never forget. I saw Hawaiians eome together and utilize the traditions of hula and chant passed down by our kūpuna to stand up for what rightfully belongs to us Native Hawaiians. I was overcome with a spiritual sensation, seeing the Hawaiian flag stand strong as the makani blew. The wind was blowing so hard, causing the flag to fly straight out. The flag appeared to be hung on a wall. Also, the dancers with their pā'ū freely flowing in the wind seemed to gracefully float in the air as they performed. The more we chanted, the harder the wind blew. You could just feel the energy, this vibe that was present there at the Capitol. I get ehieken skin just thinking about that day. After optimism surrounding the U.S. Supreme Court hearing was announced, the sun eame out along with this peaeeful shower. It was what some would eall "majesfic." It seemed as if it were a sign of encouragement and support from Akua. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to stand along side with fellow Native Hawaiians and show the world what it means to be Hawaiian. Witnessing all of this made me even more proud to say, "He Hawai'i au!" Keala Wes1 Kaimukī, O'ahu
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