Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2009 — Tyranny and iwi exposed [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tyranny and iwi exposed

worked at Makua Vallefyi

Aloha nō my 'ohana, remember when our kūpuna visualized, practiced and taught us that our sacred rock eanoe at rest in Kāne'ana cave, carried the souls of our progenitors Ki'i and La'ila'i to their God-given home called "Ka-ne-hu-na-mo-ku" the Garden of Eden, as it's known to the kupuka'aina, the original people of Mākua Valley. Ohana cherished and preserved these connections because we are of the same genetic material from that river of stars in the sky from whieh they eame. Na-au-Mākua, (just like the chant says), our Parents calling to the sun of the son of I'o. From the sacred portal within the shadow of the June solstice, reconnects and we are able to see through the night of our progenitors' origin (Kanehunamoku) from within U-Ka-ne-Po, Ka'ānani'au, the groaning of heaven and opening the pathway to Kanenuiakea, to see into the Milky Way. And, important links are from the home of Wākea (Mauna Lahilahi), Kāne'īli'o, Kāne(s) guardian dog deity, and together they triangulate with Kūkaniloko, the piko and geometric center of the Ka'ānani'au Land U se Code of the original Ka-na-ka-ma-o-li people. 'Ohana, kōkua to save these sacred things! How the tyranny works in Mākua Valley is a really simple set of desecrations and legal infractions, but it illustrates the U.S. illusion of the Newlands Resolution as a naked and false strategy of those who work together to destroy our eulture and prevent us from living our rights. Since the U.S. Army ignores

our request for meetings we must object herein to the Army's proposed "Problematic Agreement" (PA) for Mākua Valley dated Feb. 10. 2009, for the following unresolved reasons that the Army and its cultural resource manager Laurie Lucking are: 1) governed by federal law Section 106 regulations 36 CFR Part 800-800.5 for the protection of Historic Properties, yet the Army "does not" apply "consultation" with native Hawaiian shareholders of Kuleana properties with gravesites, war memorials and religious temples within Mākua Valley and Līhu'e; 2) responsible for assisting Hui Mālama in the year 2000 and violating again the governing of Section 106 requiring consultation prior to setting up new altars to their god Lono, who is not a deity previously associated with Mākua Valley, and considered by the kupuka'aina, the original people of Mākua, as a malihini group not related to Mākua; 3) responsible for setting up a foreign eouneil in the year 2000 for the Kāne temples with non-descendants (Hui Mālama) that are again not previously associated with the Kāne religion and/or Kāne-ana or U-Kane-Po, Ka'ānani'au temples; 4) responsible for egregious archaeological excavations in our families gravesites (January 2003); 5) hiding violations about new road constructions (as so-called old Jeep trails), for Strykers light Tanks. Sacred sites and its irreplaceable knowledge are destroyed; 6) violating Hawaiian Nationals,

Tenant Rights and our 'ohana-owned "Kuleana Properties" and "historie property" in Mākua Valley and Līhu'e, Wai'anae uka; 7) applying the same tactics and problemsin Līhu'e, Wai'anae uka, socalled Schofield, and are also ignoring Hawaiian war memorials there such as Hale'au'au, Ka'ānani'au and the sacred sites of Kumukukui; 8) responsible for removing over 300 sets of 'ohana iwi kupuna (193 132) from Kāne-ana cave, they have not been returned to date, and the Army ignores the repair to the cave after its use and it is now frequently used by malihini as a rest room. 9) not honoring its verbal contract of Aug. 10, 2006, agreement to do complete traditional cultural property (TCP) studies of all "Historic Properties," including our war memorials that the Army adversely affects in Mākua Valley and Līhu'e; 10) not doing an honest "title search" that verifies an unbroken link in U.S. Army's "perfect title" claims, whieh ean solve these U.S. human rights abuses relating to eultural genocide; 11) again the Problematic Agreement for Mākua Valley, dated Feb. 10, 2009, "Whereas, the Garrison consulted with and invited the...members of Koa Mana"... This is clearly a false statement by the Army! There are numerous false statements throughout the Army PA document. Obviously the U.S. and its Army are the cause of the tyranny and oppression that openly violates the law and abuses all others that hon-

Alika Poe Silva is Kahu Kulāiwi. Koa Mana. Kupukaaina o Wai'anae Wahipana. Hawaiian Nalional. Cont.act. him at alikapoesilva@ yahoo.com.

or it, and yet they eall themselves a nation of laws and justice, now they ean thank Gov. Linda Lingle for her arrogance, abuse and plundering that now exposed the U.S fraud on "Perfect Title" of Hawai'i. Remember 'ohana, supporting Keanu Sai and his leadership is to support the legacy of our pono people, our independent state and our amazing leaders. Keanu has worked hard in giving us a clear and reliable education, and solid repositioning our Independent Hawaiian Kingdom State. 'Ohana continue to crystallize those discussions and forums on deoccupation, this is important work we all could do, it sets the stage for our freedom. 'Ohana, we recognize your hard work and soon we will eome together for that time is near, to raise our voices, for our independent Hawaiian State. We will shake off the tyranny and prolonged military occupation. 'Ohana, we are proud of your spirit of aloha, hard work and your good faith in moving forward in finalizing the de-occupation deliberations. The U.S. is accountable and responsible for restitution to our independent Hawaiian Nation State. The kākā, elean up of their 'ōpala, rubbish and their damages to our sacred sites will be documented and redressed. Aloha nō and I'O lako my 'ohana, and kōkua our keiki yet to eome. ■

