Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2009 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Creating opportunities for a better tomorrow. Cultivating a better community.
The OHA Mālama Loan Program through First Hawaiian Bank is exclusively for Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian organizations and may be used for educational purposes, home improvement and a variety of your business needs. Apply today and earn up to 5,000 CashPointsSM* when you also apply and are approved for Priority RewardsSM Debit and Credit Cards. For more information or to apply, eall 643-LOAN or visit any branch or fhb.com.
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(£i ia Ūf FICF OF MAWAIIAN AFFAIR* First Hawaiian Bank We sayYes
Applieanl: rnij;:t he ot Mve Hawaiian ar:neatry (birth nertitinatē, OHA registty card, nr Kamehameha Oehnnla »eriticatinr: letter will he accepted aa prnnt) nr a Native Hawaiian nrgariizatinri, lttt:e applieanl ia a grnup nt penple nrgar:ized tnr eeonomiie iJevelnprner:t purpnaea, applieanl ownemhip rnuat he 100% Native Hawaiian, Gnrrnwera rnay he reguired tn enmplele a credit cnurieelir:g elaaa hetore receivir:g the Inam Eiased upon a oan amnunl nt 310,000 at 5,00% AF'R, the paym:ent wnull he 3133,71 per mnonlln hased nri a tully arnortized oan tnr 5 years I3lubiect tn ctedit apprnval ,ariiJ eligitiility, līeilain reatrictinria ,ariiJ cnriiJitinria a pi pi ly *5,000 [laah F5oirita ia a tntal nt 3,500 pnirita upon apptoval ot F5uority R ewa rds Debit Catd and 2,500 poinla upon appnwal ot Priority Reward,a Credit Catd. Allnw 30-45 daya trnrn the date nt p unnhaae tn receive your tion ua poinla Otter ia open tn peranrial aeenunla orily arnJ ia auhieel tn credit ap prov,al CaahPointa have rin eaah value except aa deacritied iri the Rriority Pewanla Prograrn A, greernerit Firat Hawaiian Carik reaervea the right to eaneel the prograrn at a riy tirne.