Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 ʻApelila 2009 — 'Apelila 09 CALENDAR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Apelila 09 CALENDAR
CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS Fri.-Sun„ April 10-12 This summit of Hawai'i's most beloved artists and cultural practitioners offers an Easter weekend program of seminars, hands-on workshops in Hawaiian arts and crafts, a children's program and superb Hawaiian music and hula performances. Recording artist Henry Kapono makes special guest appearance. All events free, except closing lū'au show and selected craft workshops. Kapalua Resort at One Ritz-Carlton Drive. 808-669-6200 or celebrationofthearts.org. LAAMAIKAHIKI Tues„ April 14, 1 p.m. As part of a cultural program at 'Imiloa Astronomy Center during Merrie Monarch week, the high school students of Ke Kula 'O Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u present the story of the pahu and the legacy of La'amaikahiki. Free. 808-982-4260 or mhmaiona@gmail.com. KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS MAUI HO'OLAULEA Sat„ April 18, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Join in the fun of No Nā Keiki a Pauahi at the Upcountry Maui campus of Kamehameha Schools. Crafts, great grinds, games, prizes and entertainment make for a memorable family outing. Funds enhanee scholarship opportunities for students. Free admission and parking. ksmauipt so.org.
GROW HAWAIIAN FESTIVAL Sat„ April 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Come celebrate Earth Day (technically April 22) by checking out a stunning array of native plants at this all day eco-friendly event presented by Hawaiian Electric Co. complete with food and entertainment. Free. Bishop Museum. 845-3511 or bishopmuseum.org. DISTINCTIVE WOMEN IN HAWAIIAN HISTORY Sat„ April 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. He Ho'olaule'a No Nā Mo'olelo o Nā Wāhine shines light on little-known stories of women in Hawaiian history. A special hlm screening of Ma Ka Malu Ali'i: the Legacy of Hawai'i's Ali'i directed by Lisa Altieri Sosa examines the Hawaiian leaders of the 19th and early 20th eenturies. Hawai'i Convention Center. Free. See artiele in March KWO or visit distinctivewomenha waii.org. ALOHA EXPO IN LOS ANGELES Sat.-Sun„ May 16-17 Two-day festival features an outdoor cultural marketplace, island cuisine and continuous Hawaiian and Polynesian music and dance sponsored by the Kama'āina Club of Orange County. Free admission and parking. Heritage Park, Santa Fe Springs, California. aloha-expo.com.
1 7th annuūl East Maui Taro Festival poster.-/lrfi/rorA.' Design by Kanoa A lelson EAST MAUI TARO FESTIVAL Sat.-Sun„ April 25-26, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Celebrate the 17th year of this granddaddy of isle kalo festivals with more booths than ever (20 in all) offering onolicious poi dishes and tips on taro cultivation. Plus crafts, music and the "Ag tent's popular farmers market." Sunday events include field trips to Kahanu Garden and Kapahu Living Farm. Saturday events free at Hāna Ballpark. Fee for Sunday taro paneake breakfast. 808-264-1553 ortarofestival.org.