Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 March 2009 — MĀKEKE THE MARKETPLACE [ARTICLE]
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Bivd., Honoiuiu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA.
Submissions received by the 15th of the month will appear in next month's edition.
2BR SPACIOUS UNITS, with refrigerator and st.ove, freshly painted with new carpet and vinyl floor. Section 8, maximum occupancy 4 people in the household. 1501 Bear Mountain Blvd #A Arvin, CA 93203 661-854-5840 EHO. ALOHA FELLOW HAWAIIANS & Hawaiians at heart. I remembered who I AM, gained inner strength & lost 50#, 8" off my waist in becoming healthy. So ean you! email me: hoomalu@pacific. net BIG ISLAND FOR SALE: Waimea 5 ae. AG, w/ cottage/l bath, large shed, fence; Waimea pastoral 10 ae., fenced. DHHL leases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habucha 1 @ aol.com. BIG ISLAND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Must be ready to build. 2 in Kawaihai Makai, oeean at doorstep, 15,000 sf. eaeh - Puupulehu 10,738 sf. majestic view Mauna Kea. DHHL leases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. habucha 1 @ aol.com. BIG ISLAND, PUUKAPU, WAIMEA, Hawaii. Homestead lease land, 10 acres, $125,000. View of Waimea Village town and mountain. Call John (808) 960-2289. BOB'S BUELDING SERVICES INC. Licensed general contractor No. BC8371 building beautiful custom and packaged homes for over 30 years. CALL (808) 216-6272 and let us build your future island home! CERTIFIED TUTOR ON OAHU: Experience
with SAT/ACT prep and need-based tutoring. Experience with Private School test preparation. Please eall 808-276-0639. DHHL LESSEE WANTS TO SWAP La'i'opua Village lessee in Kona, Hawaii, for East Kapolei lease, Phase 1 or 2, on Oahu. OR, leasee would also consider selling lease at a reasonable price. Call 509-342-1559. Swap will be straight across. DIABETIC OR OVERWEIGHT? I ean help! Lost 35 lbs. in 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetic, eholesterol & BP meds. Fast, safe, easy & physician recommended. www.ohanawellness.tsfl.com Call Johnny Kai, 971-533-6881 or email ohanawellness@msn.com. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! Buying, selling, investing, relocating! I ean help you. Call (808) 230-6005. Keanu Souza-Koprowski, Realtor-Broker, Century 21 All Islands. keanusells@hotmail.com, www.MyIslandDreamHouse. eom. FOR SALE EAST KAPOLEI I KANEHELI: Undivided interest lease to Native Hawaiian on DHHL waiting list. Price is negotiable. Serious callers only, (702) 569-5345. HAVE QUALEFIED DHHL APPLICANTS who want lease in Waimanalo, Papakolea, Nanakuli. Fixer-uppers OK, undivided interest leases, anything available. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. HULA EPU: Cleaned, ready to use. Adult medium size (6"-7") $15.00. Keiki size (5") $6.00. Ipu
cleaned, unfinished, $5.00. Call (808) 422-1166. INTEGRITY AND HONESTY! Purchase your Hawaiian homes property today! Wilhelm JK Bailey® West Oahu Realty, ine. 228-9236. www. wilhelm-jk-bailey.com KAWAIHAE HOMESTEAD LOT Views, private flag lot, $40,000. Call Lali De Wolfe, RA Tel. (808) 392-2656 or email LaliD@cbpacific.com. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties. KOKUA 'OHANA: Native Hawaiian Foster Families Needed. Hanai I Ka La'akea. for more information eall (808) 595-6320 or toll ffee at (888) 879-8970. LAIOPUA HOME FOR SALE 3/2 at Lai'opua, oeean view. Asking $250,000/offer. Call Stephanie for appointment. (808) 987-6236. MAUI - LOT CLEARING, GRUBBING, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, quality work and reasonable rates. Call 808-760-8278. MAUI LOT CLEARING, HOME BUELDING Quality work at fair rates. Maui Service, Ltd. (808) 873-2072 or Emest (808) 357-9065 lot clearing/ excavation. Tim (808) 205-0490 home building. MAUI WAIOHULI UNDIVIDED INTEREST lot for sale, $45,000. (808) 280-3216. MOLOKAI - 10 ACRES, AG, HO'OLEHUA, beautiful corner lot, great loeahon. Maui Waiohuli Res. Unit 1. DHHL leases. Bobbie Kennedy (RA),
Graham Realty, ine. (808) 545-5099, (808) 2216570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits. HECO & MECO approved indep. contractor, new systems, pool heating, repairs. Free est. O'ahu, 422-4266; Maui, 760-2345. Located Waiohuli Homestead. PRICE REDUCED: LAPO PUA 2 Br 1 Bth 8,000+ sf. Kealakehe, Kona.. $230,800. Close to schools, oeean, boat harbor, airport, shopping. Purchase your DHHL property today! Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) West Oahu Reality, ine. Ph. 228-9236. Email: realestate@wjkbailey.com TRADE: WAIOHULI UNDIVIDED interest lessee seeks trade for Waiehu Kou (Maui) or Waiohuli Hikina subdivision. Will consider all options, but vacant lot preferred. Call (808) 385-0402 or tt808dc@gmail.com. WAEĒHU KOU III VACANT CORNER LOT Private community, close to the golf course, and includes all utilities. If interested please eall me at 808-479-3857 or e-mail me at Kealii5962@msn. eom. $50,000.00 OBO. WAIMANALO FOR SALE: Undivided interest lease, excellent number on list. DHHL lease. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty, ine. (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. WANTED TO PURCHASE WAIMEA, Big Island homestead lease land, 10 acres or more. Willing to pay cash for the right price! Please contact Keone at (808) 479-5878. m