Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2009 — Mobile lab receives funds for education [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mobile lab receives funds for education
Kaua'i's Kekukuilamalamaho'ōla Native Hawaiian Heahh Career and Education Program was awarded funding from Hawaiian Tug and Barge and Young Brothers
to help pay for the program's mohile resource and technology lab. The lab will take resources islandwide, increasing access to literature and art for Hawaiian students. Kekukuilamalamaho 'ōla is a program of Ho'ōla Lāhui Hawai'i, Kaua'i's Native Hawaiian Heahh Care System. The program's mission is to increase academic eompetency and promote the pursuit of education in healthcare-related fields among Native Hawaiian students, in the hopes that they will serve Kaua'i in the future. The program provides scholarships, sununer programs, tutoring services, and project based learning programs. Find out more at keku kuilamalamahoola.org.
Tia Carrere and Daniel Ho's 'lkena adds another win to its recent Grammy for Best Hawaiian Album. The alhum will take home a Hawai'i Music Award for best alhum in fhe Contemporary Hawaiian category at a ceremony April 4.