Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2009 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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KAWAIAHA'O GROUNDBREAKING Groundbreaking for a planned multipurpose center at Kawaiaha'o Church took plaee Feb. 1 5. The two-story center will offer office space, classrooms, meeting rooms, a conference room, social hall and a kitchen for congregation members, the Native Hawaiian community and the public who use the facilities. The multipurpose center, whieh will replace an administration building and Likeke Hall, will also house a reading library, church archives and a mini-museum of the church's history. The church was originally built in 1 842. To ensure that the boundaries of the church's on-site cemetery were respected during the preparations, the church established the Nō Iwi Committee to set culturally appropriate protocols to manage the cemetery. The church also brought in the expertise of Native Hawaiian-owned consulting firms Ku'iwalu and Aukahi, as well as Cultural Surveys Hawai'i.