Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2009 — Committee passes kalo security bill [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Committee passes kalo security bill

The state House Hawaiian Affairs Connnittee passed HB 1663, prohibiting the development, testing, propagation, release, nnportation, planting or growing of genetically modified kalo in Hawai'i. "Kalo intrinsically embodies the interdependency of the past, the present, and the future, the essence of procreation and regeneration, as the foundation of any sustainable practice. Kalo expresses the spiritual and physical well-being of not only the kanaka maoli and their heritage, but also symbolizes the enviromnental, social, and cultural values nnportant to the State," the hill reads. More than 300 varieties of kalo may have existed at the tnne of first contact with the western

world, and 85 varieties are still propagated in the state. Sixty nine are unique to Hawai'i. Opponents of the proposed ban say that genetically modified kalo would be more resistant to disease and be able to feed more people worldwide. Proponents of the ban fear cross-pollination with nonGMO varieties, perhaps destroying many of kalo's distinctive properties. Many proponents also feel that kalo should not be tampered wkh as k represents Hāloa, the elder brother of the Hawaiian people. Genetically modified kalo has been banned in Hawai'i County since November 2008, when the County Council passed a ban after a hill similar to H.B. 1663 failed to pass the 2008 state Legislature.