Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 February 2009 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Traditional and Contemporary Hawaiian Fine Arts a.,.:- ' 2009 Studio Program in Waimea, South Kohala, Hawai'i Summer Session: May 25 - June 19, 2009 (Four Weeks) A ' Winter Session: December 7 - 18, 2009 (Two Weeks) VISUAL FUNDAMENTALS: basic skills with various drawing and painting media. KA HANA KAPA: traditional Hawaiian practices of kapa making. KA HANA KALAI LA'AU: wood carving, kapa implements, 'umeke, and pahu. PRINTMAKING: monotype, dry point, and relief (linoleum cut) techniques. JEWELRY MAKING: hone, shell, wood, stone, and metal. Limited enrollment, ages 17 and older with preference given to Native Hawaiian applicants. ANNUAL TUITION: $3,000 (financial aid available) For more information or an application contact: HOEA ▼ PO Box 1498 ▼ Kamuela, Hl 96743 phone: 808-885-6541 fax: 808-885-6542 website: www.khf-hoea.org email: info@khf-hoea.org A project by the Keomailani Hanapi Foundation, funded by ANA, Administration for Native Americans. *Mahiole by Sol Apio
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