Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 February 2009 — Law, politics symposium [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Law, politics symposium

The Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics (HSLP) will be sponsoring its third hiennial symposium: Ka Nalu: Towards a HawaiianNationaīConsciousness, on Saturday, Feb. 28, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hawai'i Inūn International Conference Center,

1777 East-West Road, on the University ' of Hawai'i Mānoa


T h e s y m p o - sium will

feature the scholarship of three former HSLP members who have since graduated with their doctorates: Dr. Kamana Beamer (Geography), Dr. Sydney Iaukea (Polūieal Science) and Dr. Keanu Sai (Polūieal Science). Eaeh will give a presentation of their research, followed by a question and answer period. The afternoon will feature a panel discussion on eunieulum development, the pubhshing of HSLP's journal (Volume 2) by Kamehameha Publishing, and other significant developments in acadenūa and the conununity surrounding research and publications focused on the ūnplications, both legal and other, of Hawai'i's recognition as an independent state in 1843. The event is funded in part by the Student Activity and Program Fee Board. HSLP has been a registered independent organization under Co-curricular Activities, Programs, and Services at UH Mānoa since Oct. 30, 2003. The tenn Hawaiian is used in its national and geographical context and not in an ethnocentric sense. For infonnation, www2.hawaii.edu/~hslp/. ^