Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2009 — YOUR VOICE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Nara Cardenas asked Kau Inoa registrants at a recent sign-up at Kunia Wal-Mart, "What woulel you like to see for a Native Hawaiian Nation?
Roxanne Asato "Would be niee if we knew our languages. Nobody speaks Hawaiian anymore. My grandmother was the last one in our family."
Daniel Dando and Hi'ilani Ke'alohi "The main thing I hope for a Hawaiian Nation is for everyone to just
get along instead of fighting with eaeh other. Plus I hope for my daughter ..."
September Espindola "For Hawaiian people stop fighting eaeh other. To eome together as one family."
Gerry Sakoda "I want to bring our people back to Hawai'i."
Karillyn Makamae Gorai "To pursue any Hawaiian things - traditions."