Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2009 — A memorial for 8,000 at Kalaupapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A memorial for 8,000 at Kalaupapa

Aloha Kākou! This month I feature fellow Ka 'Ohana 0 Kalaupapa member Chris Mahelona and his personaI story about remembering those affected by Ieprosy in Kalaupapa. Chris and his family have identified 38 people, who they think are 'ohana, who were banished to Kalaupapa. Of the 38, fourteen are known to have died on the Kalaupapa Peninsula. To date, none of their graves have been found. Chris Mahelona now Iives in Spokane, Washington, but continues his effortsfrom across the Pacific. This is an article he wrote in March of2008,for the Northwest Hawai'i Times. Beginning in 1866 and up until 1969, the isolation policy for Hansen's disease (leprosy) patients resulted in a major disruption of family life where children were taken from their parents, parents taken from their children, and husbands and wives were separated regardless of their vows "for better or for worse, in sickness and in heakh." As a result of this inequitable severance, this disease was called by some "Ma'i Ho'oka'awale" - The Separating Sickness. Over 8,000 people with the disease were sent to Kalaupapa, an isolated peninsula on the north shore of Moloka'i. The majority of those 8,000 are buried on the peninsula, but only about 1,300 graves have an identifiable headstone. Most of those who were sent to the peninsula before 1900 have no marked graves. Others were buried in places marked with a cross or a bare tombstone, but those markers have seen great deterioration over time. As a result, there are many family members and descendants of these residents who cannot find the graves of their loved ones and are unahle to properly honor and pay tribute to them. The Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa is a nonprofit organization made up of patients, family and friends of past and present Hansen's disease patients, dedicated to promoting the value and dignity of every individual who was separated from their families and isolated on the Kalaupapa peninsula. It is within this group that the idea was born to

build a memorial for the 8,000. The monument would provide a means through whieh family members ean find a sense of closure and a plaee where they ean see their family member's name included as part of the history of Kalaupapa. The naming process and the giving of a Hawaiian name is an important and sacred component of traditional Hawaiian culture. It is said, names carry significant mana (spiritual power) and they are actually a part of the person, just like an arm or a leg. In ancient Hawai'i, a person's name was one of his most precious possessions unique to the individual and most times related to an event, an ancestor or a personality trait. In every case, the kūpuna (elders) were always consulted. It was the responsibility of the bearer of the name to carry its weight. Therefore, it is important to remember these people by their names at their final resting plaee. Over 90 percent of those sent to Kalaupapa were Kanaka Maoli. The desire for the Monument is summarized by the patients' quotes and from the personal story about Stephen Mahelona Napela. Because the peninsula lands are primarily administered by the National Park Service, special approval is required to build the memorial. On Feb. 12, 2008, the Kalaupapa Memorial Act of 2008 sponsored by Representative Hirono, was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. A Senate version (S 2502) has been introduced by Senator Akaka. The main purpose of this legislation is: "To provide for the establishment of a memorial within Kalaupapa Nahonal Historical Park located on the island of Moloka'i, in the State of Hawai'i, to honor and perpetuate the memory of those individuals who were forcibly relocated to the Kalaupapa Peninsula from 1866 to 1969, and for other purposes." We would like to encourage all of you to support this legislation by contacting your Senators and voicing your support for S 2502. You ean also donate to the Memorial or heeome a member by clicking on the "Support" tab on the 'Ohana web site (kalaupapaohana.org). The 'Ohana will be paying for the Memorial through donations. It is important to remember that we as a society learn from our past mistakes in the way we treat our fellow human beings. We don't always need to treat those that need caring and compassion, as outcasts because of our own fear and misunderstanding. E


Cūlette Y. Machadū TrustEE, Mūlūka'i and Lāna'i