Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 26, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2009 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kamehameha Schools introduces the Explorations Series comprised ofthree different summer boarding programs open to non-Kamehameha students. Students may enter the series at any levei. Program sessions are offered throughout the summer and are one week Long. ALL sessions have a $120 fee to cover aLL program expenses, incLuding interisLand airfare, boarding and meals. Need-based fee waivers are available. Forprogram information, eaLL 1-800-842-4682, diaL 9 then x48396. Kamehameha Schools TO REOUEST AN APPLICATION, CALL US AT 842-8800 OR TOLL FREE AT 1-800-842-4682, ext. 8800
This program centers on foundational themes and activities such as Hawaiian values, mele, hula, Hawaiian crafts and mueh more. For students entering the 6th grade. The next program exposes students to unique experiences with the 'āina where the program is heLd. Forstudents entering the 7th or8th grade. Offered in Kona, Puna, Maui, MoLoka'i, Ko'oLauLoa, Ko'oLaupoko, Kou (HonoLuLu), Wai'anae and Kaua'i. This fīnaL program in the series utillzes outdoor cLassrooms to heLp deveLop students' Leadership skills and cuLturaL and community responsibiLities. Forstudents entering the 8th or9th grade. Offered in Kona, East Hawai'i, Maui and O'ahu. Kamehameha Schools' policy on admissions is to give preference to applicants of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law.