Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 25, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2008 — Page 30 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Type or clearly write your 24-word-or-less ad and mail to: OHA at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Submissions received by the 15 h of tbe Make eheek payable to OHA. month will appear m next month s edition.
BIG ISLAND FOR SALE: Waimea, 5 ae. AG, w/ cottage/l ba., lg. shed, fence; Waimea pastoral 10 ae., fence; Makuu, 5 ae., AG; Kawaihae Mauka res. lots. DHHL. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. BOB'S BUILDING SERVICES INC. Licensed general contractor No. BC8371 building beautiful custom and packaged homes for over 30 years. CALL (808) 216-6272 and let us build your future island home! CERTIFIED TUTOR ON O'AHU: All Subjects - ages 4-17. Specializing in Pre-K through Grade 8. Private School Entrance Exam Prep. Please eall (808) 276-0639. CHOICE HOMESTEAD LAND in Kawaihae, 27,269sf. Views, private flag lot. $58,000. Contact Lali De Wolfe, RA, Tel. (808) 392-2656. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $2,000 PER DEAL? It's real! For more info, eall Astar at (808) 658-0974. DON'T LOSEYOUR HOMESTEAD in Waiohuli on Maui! We ean help you to get financing, design your home, and build it. www.demellosons constraction.com Call (808) 573-4744. EXPERIENCED IN DHHL PROPERTIES and general real estate needs - all islands. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 5455099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. FEEL 1/2 YOUR AGE, HEALTHY, with lots of energy. Look younger, hear and see better. Lose weight, too. Organic supplements. visalus.com. Corina (808) 351-0808.
FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! Buying, selling, investing, relocating! I ean help you. Call (808) 230-6005. Keanu Souza-Koprowski, Realtor-Broker, Century 21 All Islands. keanusells@ hotmail.com, www.MyIslandDrearnHouse.com. FOR SALE - 3 LARGE LOTS LEFT in Waiohuli Residential Unit 1 — 2, just several properties down ffom Kula Hwy. - DHHL lease. Call Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. FOR SALE EAST KAPOLEI I: Undivided interest lease to Native Hawaiian on DHHL waiting list. Price is negotiable. Serious callers only, (702) 569-5345. HARP IHERAPY: Kī hō'alu me ka hapa, wilh all types of music, live on a gold concert harp for your next event Customized programs. Lowest price in town. 944-0077. HAVE QUALIFIED DHHL APPLICANTS who want lease in Waimānalo, fixer-uppers OK, undivided interest leases, anything available. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), (808) 545-5099, (808) 221-6570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. KAPOLEI UNDIVIDED INTEREST for sale to qualified Native Hawaiian, DHHL lease. For sale Kapolei 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 545-5099, (808)^2216570. Email: habuchal@aol.com. KAWAIHAE MAKAI RESIDENTIAL LOT, 15,000 sq. ft., across oeean. Must financially qualify, be ready to build. Great opportunity. DHHL lease. Call Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 545-5099 or (808) 221-6570 - email hahueha 1 @ aol.com.
KOKUA 'OHANA: Native Hawaiian Foster Families Needed. Hanai I Ka La'akea. For more information eall (808) 595-6320 or toll free at (888) 879-8970. LAI O PUA, KEALAKEHE, KONA: 2 Br 1 Bth 8,000+ sf; $249,800. Close to schools, oeean, boat harbor, airport, shopping. Wilhelm J.K. Bailey (R), West Oahu Realty ine., 228-9236. realestate@ wjkbailey.com. LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR available to build your home. Contact Doug TeriipaiaAwana of TP Builders. Quality work, reasonable prices, 25 years experience. Phone: (808) 368-5335. MAUI BOY CONSTRUCTION Lie. #BC-27759 Cabinets, Corian countertops, windows, doors, drywall, texture, metal ffaming, door trim, crown moulding, baseboard, remodeling. Call (808) 276-2459. MAUI - LOT CLEARING, GRUBBING, excavation of your homestead lot. Examples available, quality work and reasonable rates. Call (808) 760-8278. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for senior (62+) one bedroom apartments. Rent based on ineome - ineome restrictions apply. 151 Judson St. Redlands, CA (909) 793-0352. EHO. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE in a fraction of the time. Our company, United First Financial, holds the Ernst & Young Award. Free consultation. Contact Debra Teriipaia-Awana. Phone (808) 621-4865. PONCHO'S SOLAR SERVICE: Solar water heating contractor, utility rebates, tax credits. HECO &
MECO approved indep. contractor, new systems, pool heating, repairs. Free est. O'ahu, 422-4266; Maui, 760-2345. Located Waiohuli Homestead. PRE-PLANNING IS COMPASSION & LOVE 84 mo. @ 0% interest, prices frozen at today's rates, transferable plots, plans; member specials, free credit life ins., if qualify. Mililani Memorial Group. Theo (Counselor) (808) 306-7647, hawaiibb808@yahoo.com. READING SKILLS BREAKTHROUGH Now, anyone ean leam to read. Slow learner or dyslexia, child or adult, we ean help them all. Details at w w w.CatchU pWithReading.com. SEEKING TRADE: EAST KAPOLEI II undi vided interest for Waiohuli or Waiehu Kou on Maui. Will consider all options. Jim (808) 2642312 / blkjak5@yahoo.com. WANTED TO PURCHASE WAIMEA, Big Island homestead lease land, 10 acres or more. Willing to pay cash for the right price! Please eontact Keone at (808) 479-5878. WORLD'S FIRST "ENERGY THINK DRINK" EDGE - Designed from plant extracts and natural compounds, no sugar, 10 calories, 2gm carbs. EDGE increases mental energy, cognition. Go to www.xoomaedge.com/helpnow for more info or eall (808) 275-7272. WANTED: DHHL LEASES IN PAPAKOLEA and Nānākuli. Have qualified Native Hawaiians seeking a lease. Call Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 545-5099 or (808) 2216570 - email habuchal@aol.com.
Baibala Hemolele Tbe Hawaiian 5ible Project Is electronically publishing the Hawaiian Bible online at Baibala.org
Now it the ūme fw imlh (o kmani |P I ,ind "Liu inoa" - - UHjr iiiiiiH.- - Uk' pnxvs> detthniiwttoH. ^ T<xlU>. ihe cdiihli>hilUt1Inf a IkU' Niiiiiie Hau :ui jn >wcmnK'ii1 lki tlv hini/on. lltf līi>4. sltrpis fi.ir llau aii jik. uish k> p.WĪ;ifulL in ihe lai.un^ oui naiion <o ofticia3tj' iceiMci tk'if mirv.'> ilmwgh ilie K.m liioaHuwaiinn nuscntjncc eanoHmenl cftotL ptoetvi is iiln.*uJv underw:ij jik] is 0]VI1 10 all utditneoou.s Hjw:iiijns. tkj Tiuitcr Vitul >our ma; nr whctc ihe. Moke y<mr votcc hcard, "Plaee >wir name' to Kt'tld. a >ronp Howaīi on uuiun. . KAU INOA I T O n u I L D A M AT I O N | Trnc|ii-Hfef. tir for me+e iiifwiiunūii. eonLKL: Hawai'i Maoli I (808)394-0050
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